Pink Flamingo acrylic

Lake Worth Florida Cottage painted by Suzae in February 2025 at Art In Northwood, West Palm Beach Florida



Espanol/Spanish Heaven Flyer

French Heaven Flyer

Albanian Heaven Flyer

Who I saw in Hell and their Torture – Cody’s Testimony

If you are trying to earn your way into heaven you are robbing Jesus of His sacrifice for you on the cross. There is a section for you in hell for the religious people that do not do His will. When Jesus put that ear back on the soldier when they were in the court on the way to the elders, He destroyed all evidence also He did not come to fight with swords because His kingdom is not in the physical but the supernatural it is in the highest heaven.

Her Journey to Hell: Encounter with the Devil

Jesus has a lot of mercy on His creation, mankind, the human race. She had free will to rebel against God and went down the New Age route. She has a good testimony and clarification of needing God’s fellowship. She saw the enemy of our soul’s horns only in hell only. She does say Jesus is coming, Jesus is coming. God is waking people up by bringing them into hell. Great prayer from her at the end of this video.

Paperback”Green-Eyed Suzy Girl Visits Heythorn” at Barnes & Noble with the link below:

Heaven Flyers in English, Spanish, French, and Albanian

English Heaven Flyer

Espanol Heaven Flyer

French Heaven Flyer

Albanian Heaven Flyer

Suzae after a deliverance at Pastor Sam’s church in Fort Lauderdale 2017

Spirit Spouses, Idolatry, Spiritual Attacks, Spirit Spouses, and strategies for Deliverance

Man becomes Demonic S*x Slave w/ Wyatt Coats

I Saw Hell & Jesus Told Me Why Only 2.5% Make Heaven

I DIED in a motorcycle accident and fell into Hell then an Angel took me to Heaven – Diamond’s NDE

God Showed me Hell and my Empty Prison Cell – Kevin’s NDE Testimony

Sign the Petition Below to Protect the 6th Amendment Rights of Innocent American Citizens

The petition (link above) aims to reform the criminal justice system to better protect innocent American citizens from such harm as unnecessary mugshots, jail time, and loss of income and ensure that justice prevails over mere accusations. SIGN THE PETITION The petition proposes several changes to federal law regarding probable cause, aiming to protect individuals from false accusations and ensure a fairer justice system. Here are the key proposed changes 1. Require factual evidence and multiple witness testimonies to establish probable cause: The petition argues that probable cause should be based on more than just “seemingly probable cause.” (a) It calls for a higher standard of evidence, including factual evidence and multiple witness testimonies, before accusations are made. 2. Restrict mugshots to cases with proof beyond a reasonable doubt: The petition advocates for mugshots to be taken only when there is proof beyond a reasonable doubt, rather than just probable cause. (a) This aims to prevent the reputational damage that can occur from mugshots taken based on potentially false accusations. 3. Hold Law Enforcement officials and false accusers accountable. The petition insists on accountability for all parties involved, including law enforcement officers who falsify information and individuals who make false accusations or provide testimonies to false witnesses. (a) This aims to defer false reporting and ensure that those responsible for initiating unjust legal actions face the consequences. 4. Issue court summons for both parties in incidents without camera footage. For incidents with no video recording of the alleged crime, the petition suggests issuing tickets requiring both the accused and the accuser to appear in court. (a) This would allow both sides to present evidence and arguments before a judge, promoting a fairer hearing. The petition emphasizes the potential for long-lasting harm from false allegations and mugshots, especially with the ease of online information sharing. STUDIES SHOW AS A RESULT OF FALSE POLICE REPORTS as in a 2017 study that indicates false accusations contributed to a significant percentage of wrongful convictions later overturned through exonerations.  

Suzae’s Flamingo Painting at Maria’s Art Class January 1, 2025

Maria’s Art class on Wednesday, January 1, 2025

Aura’s painting at Maria’s Studio in Northwood on January 1, 2025

Sam’s Is Proud of His Painting

Sam’s Sister Is Talented As Well

I DIED and was taken to Hell by a Demon – Ivan Tuttle’s NDE Testimony to Hell and Heaven

I’m a Reverend but Went to the Horrors of Hell for This – Rev. Eddie’s Testimony

Paperback”Green-Eyed Suzy Girl Visits Heythorn” at Barnes & Noble with the link below:

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Man k!ll3d by his friends and saw ch!ldr3n in hell #hell #helltestimony #supernatural

What makes the Bible the word of God – Brad Stine