The Heaven Flyer has a Repentance prayer in it. Feel free to print flyer as you would like and the prayers below as well.
Confess you sins to Jesus first before doing any warfare prayers or breaking generational curses. Once you are sealed with God’s Holy Spirit, your yoke of sin is broken, your black heart is turned from black to red in the supernatural and you are a child of God!
Written Prayer For Our Nation below as well as PDF
by Suzae Chevalier
“Heavenly and merciful Father ever so compassionate, have mercy on us as a nation. We come to you today in the name of your Son Jesus Christ. Our humble hearts reach out to you to confess our sins as a nation that has brought our moral decline. We repent now and turn to you again our faithful God. Let our sins be wiped out, that a day of refreshing come upon us as a nation and its people by our Lord Jesus. We pray that the citizens of our dear country are saved in the spirit through conviction of sin by Your Holy Spirit. We also pray that You intervene for the broken people of our nation as well as heal their hearts. Heal all divisions of all our people so that we can work as one nation under God. We give You all the Glory for all of our blessings that You have bestowed on our nation from its very foundation. We turn to You again and Your commandments once more. In Jesus name we pray. Amen.”
First President George Washington told the people,
“If our nation does not keep our eyes on God, our nation will fail.”
The government went into Saint Paul’s Chapel (still standing today by God’s great mercy) for 2 hours they prayed and consecrated this nation into God’s hands. The entire government was kneeling to God. The first inauguration and first Capital of the United States was in NYC. Its time to take a stand, defend the Constitution and pray for the people of our country every day and especially on April 30th of this year commemorating the inauguration of President George Washington 230 years when he consecrated the our countries land at St. Paul Chapel, NYC.
Psalm 118:6 The LORD is with me; I will not be afraid. What can mere mortals do to me?
Our country’s forefathers fought a revolution to secure your liberties for your freedom why are sending our children to wars for others? We don’t have voice in this country anymore for they are putting Christians in jail while real killers go free? Are there no more values in America? Could we regain the freedoms that our forefathers fought for?
Prayer of Protection by Dr. Preston Bailey Jr
“Father, I come before you in prayer. I enter into your gates with thanksgiving and enter into your courts with praise. I praise you because you are worthy, holy, righteous, and just. I plead the blood of Jesus over myself, my dwelling place, my spouse, my children, my car, my bank account and everything under my stewardship. I pray that your heavenly hosts, your angels, would guard this dwelling place round about, both above and below and against every dimensional access point in Jesus’ name. I will say of the Lord that you are my refuge and my fortress, my God, in you will I trust. I thank you that you set a hedge of protection round about me and that no plague will come near my dwelling. I thank you in advance that every curse, hex, spell, incantation, voodoo, sorcery, form of witchcraft, dark art or other form of weaponized demonic activity sent against me would be reversed upon the heads of the senders seven-fold that they would know that Jesus is Lord. Moreover, I pray that every human spirit, fallen angelic spirit, or otherwise malevolent spirit attempting to come against me or my household would be apprehended by your heavenly hosts such that they cannot so much as set foot upon this property. I pray that they would be escorted out to wherever the Lord Jesus sends them, pierced through with many arrows and discomfited by your lightning in the process, that they would know that Jesus is Lord. Furthermore, I cancel and render powerless all attempts at mind-to-mind communication, dream manipulation, and all other forms of psychic and telepathic intrusion in the name of Jesus. I thank you that all of my dreams are inspired by your Holy Spirit. I declare that my sleep will be sweet, uninterrupted, and that upon waking I will be well rested. I also put on the armor of light. I take up the helmet of salvation, the breastplate of righteousness, the belt of truth, I declare that my feet are shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace, and I take up the shield of faith to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one, and the sword of the Spirit which is the Word of God. I pray all of this in the mighty name of Jesus, Amen.”
We should pray every day
pray for our country the U.S.of A.
We need to pray together so God
hears our voice-
We need to confess our sin
we have no choice.
For as a nation we have murdered-
stolen and deceived-
I’m sad to say
we have deeply grieved.
God who knows everything
He does see- –
That’s why the ones
who are called by His name
that have to be the ones
for sure to pray.
For if you are a true Christian
and was saved by grace-
What more are you if
you don’t pray with faith?
For even when I was a pagan
I did pray-
God did hear me-
He saved my life I do say.
God and His commandments
which our country was found on
to this day-
Since that time
on April 30th 1789-
We have walked away from
the divine-
The divine and holiness of God who is true
He examines your heart within you.
Written by Suzae Chevalier on March 20, 2019
If you read the Bible you will see
that God has emotions that are not all glee.
He has sadness but also regret
If you read in One Samuel Fifteen Thirty Five
You will see that God regretted Saul
being King at that time.
So we should be happy and thankful
that God is a living God that feels
He is more than our creator-
He has a heart that is real.
Written by Suzae Chevalier on March 13,2019
We are to be the eyes, mouth
ears and feet of Jesus Christ
Remember He gave His Life
For everyone you see in a day–
I know you can’t go up to everyone
But please do obey-
The Holy Spirit when He gives you
Spiritual eyes to see–
You are to help the broken hearted,
Sad, poor, ill and His lost sheep.
Written by Suzae Chevalier on April 15, 2019
I told Jesus when I was standing with candle in hand-
I don’t feel comfortable to light this–
I know it is witchcraft.
I was in a church on Christmas and knew the score
candle lighting is idolatry which I did before.
I lit Catholic saint candle’s in my living room
to break curses and end my pain and gloom.
But I did realize that the supernatural
works both ways–
Holy angels fight demons every single day.
Yes, when we put a Christmas tree in our house–
did you know that more comes in then just a mouse?
For this is a portal for demons
is what it is–
just like lighting a candle on Christmas eve.
Look in Jeremiah 10:3-4
You will see not happy is the LORD.
For the pagans cut down and decorated trees
with gold and silver and pray to their deities.
So as you see, Christmas is not about Jesus Christ the Son–
it’s about materialism and worshiping the evil one.
Written by Suzae Chevalier on March 27, 2019
What You Don’t Know Could Harm You
Isn’t it funny we can buy books on magic, the occult
but don’t know where these come from and as a result
We end up getting deeper into the mire and the dirt
When all of a sudden we see our kids getting sad or hurt.
Mass shootings just didn’t happen overnight.
the iniquities of our forefathers are on us with all our plight.
We need the Son of God that is Jesus the Christ
to show us how to solve these sad problems of life.
For it is powers that we can not see-
they are affecting you and me.
Murders, bullying in the schools
kids that do it think its cool.
But did you know that their very soul
is now with the devil who hates us so?
Yes, we have an adversary who is out to kill
he will do it to the young, the old and we think
no it can’t be real.
The saying “What you don’t know can hurt you” still
rings true today
for it is our ignorance that makes harmful spirits have
their way.
So lets educate the children- the teenagers of what is
they are seeing in movies and on T.V. for it is not
just fantasy that they do see.
Written by Suzae Chevalier on April 25,2019
God makes the laws in the spiritual realm
where our souls and spirits reside-
We are affected by what we do-
we can’t run and hide.
For the spiritual world obeys
and obeys what God does grant
Everything that happens in this world
is not by luck or chance.
If your forefathers did a sin not
confessed while they were alive-
it now becomes a family curse through
your families bloodline.
But if ancestors confessed in their day
God’s blessing is sent for they did obey-
obey the laws of our Lord–
we need to confess, not die by the sword.
Written by Suzae Chevalier on March 13, 2019
At the end of the day
you need to pray.
Pray to Jesus to save your soul-
what if you don’t wake up?
You must do know
you could die–
young or old.
I know for a fact–
there is no coming back–
There is no free will after you die
that is why–
you need to decide–
For your next life is for eternity-
Yes, God the creator makes everything
with certainty.
HE gave you free will to make a choice
make a choice of His Son Jesus Christ
who is the giver of Life–
or death from satan–who brings only strife.
Choose life, I beg you–
in the spiritual world you really FEEL–
all the PAIN and the awfulness of SIN
we need to go to JESUS CHRIST to be SAVED within.
Written by Suzae Chevalier on April 14, 2019
Children are vulnerable and very naive
we to protect them from what they see.
Don’t let them just watch bad movies on TV.
Don’t let them see Harry Potter and what he does
this is because witchcraft is real and not just for fun.
The spirit realm is real and we need to know its no joke
the evil spirits are really all those ghosts.
We have been deceived so lets get smart
to know what is really happening in the dark.
Protect your children with Jesus’s blood
He died for your children and your soul.
So please protect your children and educate them on
the occult–it is not to be played with for it is
the death of the soul.
“Father, I come before you in prayer in the mighty name of Jesus. My declaration is that I choose to be an overcomer in Christ. I surrender myself to the journey you have set aside for me and I choose to press into the mark of the prize, which is the high calling in Jesus Christ. I declare that as a result of my life and response to your commands, it will be said of me well done, thou good and faithful servant. I choose to partake of the promise associated with being an overcomer and I speak them over my life. Along with the overcomers from the church of Ephesus, it will be given to me to eat of the tree of life, which is in the paradise of God. Along with the overcomers from the church of Smyrna, I will not be hurt by the second death. Along with the overcomers from the church of Pergamos, it will be given to me to eat of the hidden manna. I receive a white stone, and on the stone a new name that no one knows but the one who receives it. Along with the overcomers from the church of Thyatira, I will be given power over the nations. With Jesus, I will rule them with a rod of iron; they shall be dashed to pieces like a potter’s vessel. I also receive the Morning Star. Along with the overcomers from the church of Sardis, I will retain garments that are not defiled. I will walk worthy with you, Lord, in white garments. My name will not be blotted out of the Book of Life and you, Lord Jesus, will confess my name before the Father and His angels. Along with the overcomers from the church of Philadelphia, I will be made a pillar in the temple of God and shall go out not more. Upon me will be written the name of my God, the name of the city of my God, the New Jerusalem, which comes down from heave from my God. Upon me Jesus, will also write his new name. Along with the overcomers from the church of Laodicea, it will be granted to me to sit with Jesus upon his throne, as he overcame and sat down with the Father upon His throne. I decree these promises over my life in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen.”
Jesus is the King of Kings–
and Lord of Lords
God is telling you today
Give up the world and all
that is in it.
When you die–
all these things are nothing to your spirit
which is eternity.
All worldly entertainment and music-
hero cartoons for children,
Yelling, swearing, gossip–
this things do not glorify Jesus.
You have to be separate from the world-
which is fooled by the evil one.
God made you as you are to be with Him
Why identify with the world’s fallen standards
God made you great as are.
The world wants you to wear makeup, wigs and
high heels–lusts of the eyes which is first sin
which is from the evil one has tricked us but we can win.
Win when you read God’s Word and
Listen to God –who is Jesus the Son
Be holy and acceptable to God
God detests the things of the world
which is true–
Jesus says be holy for I AM holy.
Written by Suzae Chevalier on March 18, 2019
“I cancel every negative word that I have spoken. Every word that I have released that has been against Your will and Your plan for my life and the lives of others. I ask you to forgive me for it. I cancel it now in Jesus name. Now Lord from this day forward please give me conviction, give me understanding from the Holy Ghost when I go crosswise from the Word of God. Help me have the grace to Say what You said in Word for every situation. Help me to bold, help me to be strong. Heavenly Father, You said whoever the Son sets free is free indeed. Now this day forward my words are not only going to set me free, but whoever I speak them over will be set free. My words shall set them free indeed. I thank You for it. From this day forward I will win and never lose. From this day forward I shall win and never loose, I shall be on top and not the bottom. I am the head and not the tail, thank you Lord in Jesus name. Amen”
“I cancel every negative word spoken against me by others. Every word spoken against me I release now in the name of Jesus. Those people who spoke negative things over my life, I cancel their words now. Those words are useless and have no power in my life. I now Lord Jesus forgive these people for speaking these words over me. I know only Your will and Your plan for my life will be manifested in my life. I ask you to forgive these people that have spoken words against me in Jesus name. Amen.”
Only God can change the world a new,
He will gather all those who are faithful and true.
He will come back for His bride-
they will go up to heaven
the rest will hide.
The ones not redeemed will stay
and be plagued for they did not obey.
Once all is written is fulfilled in time
the earth will be a new with no strife, sin or crime.
Written by Suzae Chevalier on March 13, 2019
Humanity should thank God for His Word
a lot of people haven’t read or even heard-
some of the scripture that is inside-
it is the truth-
God does not lie.
We are at God’s mercy-
He’s power is great
God will forgive us
to seal our fate.
We need to confess our sins
before it is too late.
Written by Suzae Chevalier on March 13, 2019
Jesus Can’t Wait To See You
There’s no one like you
for you are only born once
there is no past lives
that is all made up.
You were known by God before
time began
you are to be called to do
His purpose,
be someone grand.
He loved you so much
as the prophets say–
that Jesus Christ
died for you on
Sabbath day.
You have a place in Jesus’s
This is were you make a new start.
So turn to Jesus and ask him
for his forgiveness and grace–
you will be in the Book of Life
and get to see God’s face.
So call on Jesus for His spirit
once you are redeemed
He can heal you and build
your self esteem.
Remember Jesus loves you
and knows your very name
He can’t wait to see you
one day in heaven on that day.
Written by Great Suzae Chevalier on March 31,2018
Children are God’s gift to you
so love them through and through.
Even in the womb they have
a body, and a soul
it is worth more to God than
all of the gold-
All the gold on earth
which will burn in the fire–
Souls are for eternity
that is God’s will and His desire-
that everyone come back to Him–
As you know on earth it is more grim
for humans kill unborn babies in the womb
humans think they can bury them in a tomb-
But their soul goes back to God’s hand
He brings them to life in heaven isn’t that grand!
He loves a preemie in an incubator-
He has made us all
He is the merciful creator.
So if your baby died by miscarriage
or other ways-
Make sure you go to God through His
loving grace.
Ask forgiveness through His Son Jesus Christ
He will forgive you
and you’ll be in the Lamb’s Book of Life!
Make Jesus your Lord and Savior everyday
then when you go to heaven
you will see your baby
who survived…hurrah!
Written by Suzae Chevalier on March 4, 2019
God Is A God Of War – Poem by Suzae Chevalier
We all do read
of lust and greed-
in the Old Testament
we do see-
that God punishes the people
that are evil like the Chaldeans.
He showed us that the Old Testament
was in the flesh-
but now that His Son won victory
we are in to believe in faith.
Yes, now as you know it is a spiritual war
We are fighting in the supernatural when
we pray.
So thank God for fighting on your behalf
if it wasn’t for His love for you,
you wouldn’t have a chance.
Written by Suzae Chevalier on March 13,2019
Thank God for your tribulation today
for how is God going to get you to
seek Him and come His way?
If you were to just have sunshine
and light
You would not be grateful for your life.
You might become proud, arrogant and haughty
More self righteous and naughty.
For remember we are made from the dirt
we are not meant for hell
for it really does hurt.
Written by Suzae Chevalier on March 13,2019
“Pray For The People Across The Seas”
Pray for the People Across The Seas
Pray for your country for you and me.
God hears our prayers
good and bad–
He knows your heart
He knows when you are sad.
So start praying today
only 24 hrs in a day,
let’s take 10 minutes and pray
Pray for the people across the seas
pray for the Christians
for they can’t flee-
They are being persecuted
and have to hide–
We are fighting an invisible
enemy who makes everyone deny-
he exists-
but he is real-
he came here to destroy kill and steal.
Pray in the name of Jesus
who saves your soul–
He brings you freedom,authority
to take back the land from which
the enemy stole.
Written by Suzae Chevalier Feb.25,2011
updated on March 4, 2019
People will be evil in the Lord’s sight
they will do stuff in the dark of the night.
But God knows all things and you can not hide
you will have to take an account on the first
day of your next life.
See God gave you free will-
so use it wisely and be for ever gracious still.
For the things of this world are passing away
we should be focusing on the next life that will
be forever and a day.
Written by Suzae Chevalier on March 13,2019
Pray for the children who can not cry
who feel emptiness and sadness
deep inside.
Dare they cry out
they will be beaten
without a doubt.
Now pray for these
children and for you
if your inner child was hurt too.
Pray for the world of misdirected pain
which keeps repeating itself all over again.
On a world level we are all affected by this,
the suffering of man can only be addressed
when we do confess
Jesus as Lord and Savior
to heal our hearts
with His Holy Spirit He
makes us whole with a new start.
Written by Suzae Chevalier on Feb.9, 2011
updated on March 4, 2019
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