Heaven flyers below in English, Spanish, French, and Albanian Folletos del cielo a continuación en inglés, español, francés y albanés

Jim Woodford Died and Spent 11 Hours in Heaven! Find Out What He Saw! (youtube.com)


English Heaven flyer


Spanish Heaven flyer


French Heaven flyer


Albanian Heaven flyer


Visit my new children’s book website Heythorn.com!


John Eckhardt at Limitless 2018

John Eckhardt Prays in the Name of JESUS to recover and heal from incurable diseases at end of video.

Jim Woodford Died and Spent 11 Hours in Heaven on the link above

Prayer to Break a Curse on Your Bloodline

“In the Mighty Name of JESUS, I break the curse of cancer _______( or any other illness, or thing bad your ancestors did against God to break a spiritual law such as “witchcraft, murder, rape, voodoo, kidnapping, etc.) back to Adam and Eve on both sides of my family. My father’s house (his full name) and my mother’s house (her full name) and I seal it with the blood of JESUS. I confess the sins of my ancestors and me to you God Almighty and thank You JESUS for dying for me and my ancestors, Amen.”

My Descent into HELL with ALCOHOL (Life-Changing Testimony)

Robert Morris says Christians CAN have demons and tells his deliverance testimony.

The guy in this video had an encounter with Jesus’ voice outside heaven’s gate. God said he was a lukewarm Christian and his god was himself.

Letter to former Senator John McCain from www.suzannaslaw.com


September 19, 2016

Dear Senator John McCain,

I would like to bring to your attention the Universal Declaration of Human Rights articles: 1, 5, 9, 17, and 29 and my beliefs regarding these articles from my experience as an innocent American citizen who did not have these Human Rights protected while I was being detained in a county’s correctional facility in 2013.

Article 1: We Are Born Free & Equal. We are all born free. We all have our thoughts and ideas. We should be treated the same way.

When being questioned by law enforcement no biased opinion should be formed of any American citizen during questioning, gathering evidence, and filling out incident/police report(s).

Article 5: No torture. Nobody has any right to hurt or torture us.

Being detained as an innocent American citizen in 2013 under a false arrest I had shackles on the way to (first) trial in jail is torture and violates my 8th Amendment rights.

Article 9: No Unfair Detainment. Nobody has the right to put us in prison without good reason and keep us there, or send us away from our country.

This above law should include correctional facilities such as county jails without being seen in a court of law which includes No Unfair Detainment as an innocent American citizen which was violated on my person in 2013 and 2023.

Article 17: The Right To Your Belongings. Everyone has the right to own things or share them. Nobody should take our things from us without good reason.

Law Enforcement has no right to take your cell phone, money, or any other personal belongings unless a threat to any said persons.

Article 29: Responsibility. We have a duty to other people, and we should protect their rights and freedoms.

Law Enforcement has the duty and responsibility to protect our rights and freedoms such as the ones listed above.

An Urgent Call To Spiritual Warfare + Mass Deliverance. (Revival Message)

FREEDOM from DEMON of Rejection and Division in Marriage | Testimony

Healed of Rheumatoid Arthritis – She Can Now Mover her Arms

Deliverance from the Spirit of Arthritis | Self-Deliverance Prayers

Apostle John Eckhardt | It’s Restoration Time (entirety)

MASS DELIVERANCE and Self-Deliverance

John Eckhardt at Limitless 2018

You need to be in a church that moves in the “Glory of God”.


Heaven flyers below in English, Spanish, French, and Albanian Folletos del cielo a continuación en inglés, español, francés y albanés

HEAVEN FLYERS BELOW en inglés, español, francés y albanés






Oración en la parte inferior derecha del volante del Cielo (¡haga clic en el enlace de arriba y diga la oración y dígala en su corazón! ¡Nos vemos en el cielo!)

Prayer at the bottom right of Heaven flyer (click on the link above and say the prayer and mean it in your heart! See you in heaven!)


Apostle John Eckhardt – God’s Watchful Eye on Those Who Fear Him

MASS DELIVERANCE and Self-Deliverance

Video Published on April 15, 2024

Buddhist Commits Suicide And Goes To Hell

Jack had an out of body experience and saw hell and also Jesus took him to heaven (later in video). Intercessor prayer saved Jack from hell. Intercessor prayer is very important to get your family and friends saved in the spirit. Eight Christians were praying for Jack and he was rescued from hell (inferno). The spirit never dies and neither does the soul and Jesus’ Holy Spirit convicts the person on earth and even in hell as this brother in Christ Jesus to save their soul. On earth, you can pray for someone in a coma and the Holy Spirit convicts them of sin. I prayed for my two aunts, both with Alzheimer’s disease, one in California and one in Texas and they are both saved and up in heaven! Thank you JESUS!

Budista se suicida y se va al infierno

Howard Pittman’s Near Death Experience Below video on Infierno


Is There Demonic Principality Behind the Gay Agenda?

We welcome everybody to our church to lead them to Jesus. We will not change the Holy Bible to fit the culture of today. Once praying to God in the schools was unconstitutional the spirit of God left the United States of America. You can go to jail for killing a dolphin but you can kill a human life which is an unborn baby and it is legal.