Megan Fox goes to HELL!? What she says on Jimmy Kimmel will shock you

Megan Fox goes to HELL!? What she says on Jimmy Kimmel will shock you
Published August 3, 2021 | By Suzae Chevalier |

#MeganFox #JimmyKimmel #Hell
Megan Fox did not go to the actual hell which is God’s wrath. The drug she took makes fallen angels (demons) give you a mind trip like other New Agers (I used to be one). Drugs are one of Satan’s strategies to bring you on a supernatural experience but little do you know that demons are the ones bringing your mind into that experience. Satan has convinced mankind he doesn’t exist and either does hell. This is a real place (in the middle of the earth in the supernatural) where people are being tormented for eternity right now. Shamans all over the world are using drugs, soul journeying (which is just your familiar spirit leading you in your mind into a vision) sweat lodges, etc. to have a supernatural experience with the devil not knowing. The Bible says in Matthew 7:13-14 “Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. 14 But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.
Most people are on the highway to hell. Watch this video and click on the links below for Heaven fliers in English, Spanish, French and Albanian to read the prayer out loud and mean it in your heart (you are more in the supernatural).

ENGLISH HEAVEN FLYER (Download to your phone-your next life is eternity!

Spanish Heaven flyer with prayer to heaven-your next life is eternity!

French HEaven flyer with prayer to heaven–your next life is eternity!

Albanian Heaven flyer-your next life is for eternity!

Haitian Creole-Copy and Paste link below in your browser


What’s blocking your healing? Removing the Barriers to Healing by Karen Joy Wilburn

Ways to healing are 1. Break ungodly soul ties with evil people. 2. Cursed objects in your home and wearing cursed jewelry. 3. Witchcraft against you 4.. Unforgivenness of others. Order book at


What GOD Did During the First SABBATH – Preview 3 | SFP Films

This video has a very great explanation of why God wanted us to rest on the Sabbath.



Written by Suzae Chevalier on January 17, 2021

As in Isaiah 64:6 (sixty four: six)

since our sins have made us unclean

God turned His face from our behaviors

of obscene and mean.

We all shrivel up like leaves on a tree…

Where would we be—

Without God for eternity?

That place would be hell where no love abounds–

that is why fallen angels scream at the sound–

the sound of the pit; they know they will judged for the sins they commit.


Written on January 17, 2021

At the end of the day its all vanity–

Your looks can be taken away…

You could get in an accident…without a say.

It’s not about your looks but what is inside…

God judges your behavior-and if you have

a heart which is sincere.

Not how much money did you make in a year.

God looks at pride–ego, and “vanity of self”

The fallen angels can hold that on you like nothing else.

It’s called idolatry…where you think only of you–

No thanksgiving to God the Most High…so True.

That is why people who are filled with ego and pride—

Won’t make it to heaven way up in the sky.


Written by Suzae Chevalier on January 16, 2021

It’s not the proud–it’s not the arrogant.

It’ not the wicked–it’s not the mean.

It’s not the liars. Not those who are obscene.

It’s not the one’s filled with selfishness and greed.

Not boasters and those doing devising schemes.

Only the humble make it into God’s heaven

see Philippians 2:3-11 (two:three-eleven).


Written by Suzae Chevalier on January 15, 2021

In Jonah 2:8 (two:eight)

Jonah got out of the belly of a whale

because he finally obeyed.

For Jonah did pray and the LORD saved the day.

In Jonah 2:8 (two:eight) Jonah realized his fate

that those who cling to worthless idols

forsake His loving devotion–

This set things in motion–

Jonah cried out in thanksgiving to God Most High

in Jonah 2:9 (two:nine) to say he will sacrifice…

Here is scripture for your eyes…

9But I, with the voice of thanksgiving, 

will sacrifice to You. I will fulfill what 

I have vowed. 

Salvation is from the LORD!”

Then in Jonah 2:10 (two:ten)

God did send…send Jonah out of the whale.

This is not a fairytale–or lets pretend…

Read Jonah 2:10 (two:ten)

10 And the LORD commanded the fish,

and it vomited Jonah onto dry land.

God is powerful understand?

He can order a donkey to talk, like in

Numbers 22:2235, God is in control all that is alive.

So we can’t mock–mock God anymore–

for God we can’t ignore

His signs and wonders if you look

like Jonah who got off the hook.

In this day Jesus’s sacrifice is our escape

in this Age of Grace –confess to see God’s face.


Written by Suzae Chevalier on January 12, 2021
God orders Satan the destroyer to kill
see God gets to the point not wordy
— see Exodus 12:30 (thirty)
This is what the end of Scripture says–
‘for there was not a house where
there was not one dead.’
See God is at the top
of the angelic chain of command.
He gives the orders to the hosts
of heaven understand?
As in Exodus 12:23b (twenty three ‘b’)
He orders the destroyer to kill oldest baby
of family not following Thee.
Only the chosen ones of the land
are protected by God’s mighty Hand.
The chosen ones were covered by the
Blood of the Lamb.
Look up to heaven and God do glorify—
His mighty works of His heavens in the sky
And also fear God Almighty who owns
not only all the heavens but all the earth
see how miraculous His powers are–
He made us humans out of dirt.


Written by Suzae Chevalier on January 11, 2021

Because of your fame–
you lead the world astray.
You are bringing everyone
to hell in one single day.
Yes, on that Day the LORD JESUS
who you denied–
Will show you how you did lie.
Lied to everyone because
you believed—your familiar spirit
who had you deceived–
Same as with Adam and Eve.
You are to have a discerning spirit
which your familar spirit
did tell you in Book One…
It’s not all about SELF and fun…
It’s life or death of your soul.
Death of your soul forever untold…
So don’t blame religion or
anyone else…
This is about eternity
for all those souls you lead
astray–to the grave…
On That Day…
if you haven’t already confessed
to the world and Jesus Christ
this will cost more than your life.
It’s confessing to the world
you were a liar…
if not you will end up in hell—
the Lake of Fire.


Written by Suzae Chevalier on January 11, 2021

Made in the image of God
but we lost our spiritual light.
When God commanded
in the Garden of Eden
in Genius 2: 17 (two: seventeen)
we would surely die spiritually
and so His Holy Spirit did leave.
Left our spirit but God knows all things.
Before He created man He did conceive—
a way to reconcile us back to Him
On the cross He would be the final sacrifice
through Jesus who payed the price…
on the cross His outstretched hands–
to save humanity across all the lands.
Yes, He came back to His creation
to save us from our spiritual death
if only we individually do confess.
Confess our sins to God the Most High
For we are dead in the spirit
through our bloodline.
We have the yoke of sin
that keeps us bond within-
but Jesus gave us a way of
escape-escape from bondage-
for our spirits and our souls.
To recreate us new in the spirit
we eternally will not grow old.
So go to Jesus Christ today-
before you pass away.
For without Him you are
one dead man walking to your grave.


Written by Suzae Chevalier on January 11, 2012

Are you living for Jesus
who gives you eternal life?
Or are you living to die?
it doesn’t matter with
a disease or a knife.
We are spirits in a
physical world…
Every single one of us…
boy or girl.
We need to be sealed in
the spirit to go up on
That Day…
or will end up in the grave.
We need to be reborn in
the spirit and be on fire for
Jesus the name above all names-
tell people about Jesus
and if you deny Him…He will deny you too
to His highly anointed holy angels you.


As in Romans 6:11 (six:eleven)
I write this on January seventh.
This scripture shows you will make it to heaven.
Once you are a child of God the Most High
You are reborn in the spirit and here’s why.
You are now dead to your sin–
your yoke of sin has been broken once you confess
To Jesus, His Holy Spirit will reside in your spirit within.
Now all blessings will come your way—
if God’s voice you do obey. Obey God’s voice
not turning to the left nor turn to the right—
God will cause blessings to flow to you day and night.
As God’s Word says Deuteronomy 28:1-14
twenty eight: one through fourteen
God will send you blessings
from heaven unseen.

Written by Suzae Chevalier on January 7, 2021

Download Prayer to heaven on your phone

On that the Day
the heavens will melt away.
On that Day
God will have His say.
On that Day
the people of all
the earth will be judged.
On that Day
no one can budge.
On that Day no one can hide.
On that Day no can lie.
On that Day–
as in Amos 9:10
All the sinners of My
people shall die
by the sword.
Who will say,
‘The calamity shall not
overtake nor confront us.’

Band Playing Rock Might Make It To Heaven

January 5, 2021

Hell is heard more from Rock n Roll bands
than so called ‘saved’ preachers in the land.
Rock Stars not knowing hear it first hand—
familiar spirit in their mind—Understand?
Preachers deceiving spirit talk to them just the
same more for financial gain (Psalm 119:72.
But in the End the preacher will be more tormented
in hell…for saying he follows Jesus
but doesn’t talk truth about hell.
Who knows…maybe the Rock Star will see it like it is…
and go to the King of kings Jesus
and confess his sins.
And realizes he is listening to his familiar spirit–
gets out of the world because enough is enough…
Enough sugar coated preaches, pastors and the rest…
Rock Stars are honestly lost no less.
‘Is it their thoughts?
Or is it their familiar spirit
who knows hell best?’


Written by Suzae Chevalier on January 5, 2021

As people drop to the abyss
the one sound they can’t miss
is echoes of laughter
echoes of laughter.
For their day has surely come
their is no “we are one.”
for they are accountable
for all that they’ve done.
The tunnel has no sun.
Their misery has begun.
For the tunnel just
echoes with laughter.
This my dear friend-
I hope you have a pen.
The laughter they do hear
is from their familar spirit
so near–
that is in their soul
has an assignment to let
them know–
This is their final end.
For they did not listen-
to all the real Christians
that Jesus did send to them
so they could repent.
For now they do know
that all glitters is not gold
even though they’ve been told.
For all they do hear–
is laughter in their ears
while the tunnel–
Echoes with laughter.
Echoes with laughter.
Laughter that will scare
them with fear for eternity…
until God Jesus has His way
on Judgment Day.


Paul’s life did matter–this is very sad and hurts—
there is a hell with fire, brimstone and dirt.
Highway to Hell is Satan’s music and it’s not cheap…
Paul didn’t take Satan seriously; Satan plays for keeps.
You pay with your life…how much does it cost?
You can’t make it up with money, fame for it will all be lost.
Lost once you leave this planet of green–
into the spiritual realm unseen.
It’s a Highway to Hell for all these teenage kids—
if they don’t get turned around they will be–
You know it’s only heaven and hell can’t you see?
Jesus Christ came to set people free…
Free from bondage and the yoke of sin
to be in heaven with Him.

Written by Suzae Chevalier on January 4, 2021

Download Heaven flyer below in English, Spanish

Please download Heaven flyer below