EX Satanist opinion on the Travis Scott concert

Published December 7, 2021

EX Satanist opinion on the Travis Scott concert travisscott

Seven Signs You Have an Evil Person In Your Life


Visit Sister Sharon’s website above. She has free PDFs entitled: “Breaking Soul ties From Tattoos”, “Overcoming The Battlefield of the Mind” “Breaking Bad Eating Habits”, “The Power of Purpose”, “Attraction, Help! I’m No Longer Attracted To My Spouse!” Visit her website at the link above and bottom of the blog.


When I evangelize on the street I sometimes mention (if I have time) to people with tattoos I say:

” I was told by a fallen angel to get “an angel” tattoo on my back.”

I am fortunate I did not get this tattoo. Your mind is in the supernatural and is part of your soul where the demons can talk to you. The fallen angles-demons know you don’t know spiritual law Leviticus 19:28 which states:

Leviticus 19:28 (NIV)

28 “ ‘Do not cut your bodies for the dead or put tattoo marks on yourselves. I am the Lord.

Then I say to the person I am envangelizing to: “God JESUS will forgive you for you were ignorant of the spiritual law at the time of the tattoo. We have all been deceived by the devil. Now you have to break the curse of the specific tattoo.”


“In the name of Jesus I break the curse and soul tie of the tattoo of _______(say image or words of tattoo here) (in my case if I had gotten the tattoo “my angel wings”) all the way back to Adam and Eve on both sides of my family: My father’s house (his full name) and my mother’s house (her full name) and I seal it with the blood of Jesus. Please forgive me Jesus for marking my holy temple, I was ignorant at the time of spiritual law Leviticus 19:28 and I will not get another tattoo and will cover it up as much as possible. Thank You JESUS for dying for me on the cross and the curse of tattoos.” Amen.

In sister Sharon’s PDF on “Breaking Soul Ties With Your Tattoos,” on her website link above, says something that is very important in response to the question posed in the beginning of the paragraph below I copied from page 15:

Some people would say, what difference does it make
what I do with my body? It’s my body! But the fact
of the matter, it is not your body, and it was not made
to be a canvass for ink. It was created to house your
soul and your spirit to express God’s glory in your life.

Continued on page 16 of PDF

When a person inks the body, they are
communicating what is actually going on inside of
their house (their psyche, thoughts).

On-Page 21 of PDF of “Breaking Soul Ties With Tattoos” below is more of what sister Sharon writes in regards of Jesus’ love for you and forgiveness!

My friend, think before you ink! This is a very
serious matter of discussion. You will have a fight on
your hands to regain your psyche to heal and move
on with your life. For many, they turn to drugs, illicit
sex, pornography, and the like because they feel there
is no way out to escape the pain and regret of their
broken relationships, but there is… Jesus! I dare you
to try him! I DARE YOU!!!! But you must first
repent and turn away from your sins. He will forgive
you and help you tear down those idols in the heart
from those human beings you have branded on your
body. You are ‘soul tied’ my Friend, but you CAN
be free! Many people have so many thoughts and
opinions about Jesus Christ, but I’m a witness, Jesus
Christ is alive! He is a chain breaker! He is able to
set your soul free as he has done for me. My soul is
at rest, He is the best thing that has ever happened to
me! This is what I know to be so that Jesus said,
“Come unto me all of you that labor and are heavy
laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon
you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in
heart: and you shall find rest for your souls.
Matthew 11:28-29. I have found rest from my guilt,
shame, and soul ties I had when I came to God asking
for his help. I asked Jesus to come into my heart and
save my soul….he did!

I hope this information above makes you do introspection and go to Jesus with your concerns in regards to God, your tattoos and your relationship with others. Jesus will forgive you, you have an advocate! God bless you in the name of Jesus! Please download the PDFs of sister Sharon again on her website link below:



Many churches do not have the anointing of the Holy Spirit!!!

How to know if the Holy Spirit is in you. You hate sin, salvation is about being saved from the wrath of God. Holy Spirit is teaching us how to be wise as a serpent and gentle as a dove. When you listen to a Pastor’s sermon are they talking about themselves more? Are they glorifying God and His Son Jesus Christ and doing the miracles of the Holy Spirit? Can you see if the Holy Spirit works in them and through them by healing the congregation? Most churches are not anointed with the Holy Spirit and are doing “Emotionalism”
When Holy Spirit is there is hope, there is the fear of the LORD, you have the conviction of sin, you have been healed by the Word of the Holy Bible from just the Pastor preaching the Bible from his viewpoints are doing a historical analysis of the Bible or a social justice sermon. At the end of the day, Jesus is to be honored and lifted up not the Pastor and his life. This is “Emotionalism” and you have not truly received the supernatural power of the Holy Spirit through these Pastors in these “In The World Churches”. You will see there are still people in these congregations that are depressed, sick and not healed emotionally, physically by these Pastors. They will push “Christian Counseling” on you. Jesus didn’t say “Counsel them to wellness. Jesus said the Holy Spirit will heal them with the laying on of hands, deliverance from demons. Get the book “Turmoil In The Temple” There is true healing when a person is really anointed, not this falling backward and crying in the churches which is a false Holy Spirit which is a Kundalini spirit doing these false signs and wonders.


Published on October 4, 2021

ONLY WAY TO ESCAPE There is only one way to escape the calamity that will come on the earth and your soul if you are past the age of reason is to be reborn with the Holy Spirit of Jesus Christ.

Daniel 9:14

Therefore the Lord has kept the calamity in store and brought it on us; for the LORD our God is righteous with respect to all His deeds which He has done, but we have not obeyed His voice.

Your life is but a vapor, a blink of an eye compared to eternity. There is no time in the supernational where you will be going for eternity. There is only heaven and hell. The only thing that matters is what you did with Jesus and what He commanded in His spiritual law, His Word the Holy Bible.


“What did you do with your free will? Did you love God with all your heart and soul and your neighbor-His creation as yourself? Did you confess your sins to Jesus because the enemy of your soul which is sin and Revelation 12:10 the devil who is accusing us day and night in heaven and did you turn from your sin?”

GOD IS VERY PATIENT God is patiently waiting so that none should perish. The message is Jesus will save you from your sin, He will forgive you, you will have peace in your heart. You must repent and turn from your wicked ways. The reason people are so offended by hell is that they are not offended by sin. Jesus offers to you true salvation. You can be made anew, spiritually. You can be put back in connection with God the Father. One day you will have to choose–the kingdom of darkness or the kingdom of God.

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