God Is In Control of Spirits

Written by Suzae Chevalier on January 30, 2021

As it says in 1 Kings 22:19 (twenty two:nineteen) Micaiah continued, “Therefore hear the word of the LORD: I saw the LORD sitting on His throne, and all the host of heaven standing by Him on His right and on His left.
The lying spirit went into all the false prophets of the day-
and the King of Israel Ahab believed what the false prophets did say.
He went out to battle and he did die–
all for believing a false prophet’s lie.
For God the Most High
is in control of all the spirits–
Even human’s spirits and that is why
the fallen angels that fly in the sky
can go in your soul in a blink of an eye.


Written by Suzae Chevalier on January 26, 2021

In a nightmare I once had
I saw a person who was bad.
He was chasing me but I ducked
bad guy out of luck.
Bad guy made out of metal- gadgets and wireslike a Superhero that never tires.
See Superheroes are really fallen angels
want you to worship them-
just like Santa our Christmas friend.
Horror writer’s nightmares are from hell
-like a vision I had full well.
God let me see a vision-more of a dream
–so I learned “what all souls matter” means.
Know this– when you sleep-
you are interacting with fallen angels who do more than peep-for family covenants they do keep–making you eat-to keep the spiritual covenant of ancestors while you sleep.
All fantasy that is dark doesn’t just happen on a lark.
People’s nightmares make a good horror movie,
this is true.
You have to know spiritually what to do.
You have to have a covenant with God Most High
You can break evil covenants of your ancestors who did die.

English & Spanish Heaven flyers




Written by Suzae Chevalier on January 25, 2021

As you know, you are a spirit in a body with a living soul.

Your soul is defiled from everything wild–some sins are more serious and some are mild. Adults are accountable but it can be different for a little child.

Fallen angel shrink down to a pin at the molecule level disease begins—this is all because of sin.

They have legal rights once you break spiritual laws-they are ordered by God in heaven, some are overlooked by God when you are seven.

Unconfessed sins of your ancestors of old—sins of you without being told.

See God the Most High’s spiritual laws are operating all the time–So you have to know fallen angels come in when you really get drunk with wine.

It doesn’t matter if your black, brown or white–spiritual laws operate morning, day and night. God’s spiritual laws are righteous and true you have to read the Bible to understand the wrong that you do.

The highly anointed holy angels and fallen angels know everything that defiles your soul. So think twice before you do something badyou have a conscious and should be glad–if you can think beyond the end of your nose to know that sin defiles your soul.


Written by Suzae Chevalier on January 20, 2021

Never knew it could burn forever
Never knew it could burn so hot
Flames of fire devour my soul—
for fire is all I got.
Flames of 🔥 that burn with gold.

Fire that burns my soul–
I realize this fire won’t tire or grow old.
In the desert; fire all through the night

Fire all through my life
Fire–for all as in Jeremiah 10:25 (ten:twenty five)
Fire in the morning, fire with worms so bright.

Fire 🔥 lights up my daytime
Fire 🔥 lights up my night.
My soul cries out forever
Fire 🔥 lights up so bright.

Fire-! Everybody here’s got fire🔥 —
Fire 🔥 all you souls do know.
Fire 🔥 was never a new sign—
Fire 🔥 is of God of Old.


Written by Suzae Chevalier on January 20, 2021

In Exodus 20:26 (twenty: twenty six)

God said this:

26 ‘Nor shall you go up by steps to My altar, that your nakedness

may not be exposed on it.’

In the spirit realm God and all holy and fallen angels see–See that the Israelites had no Holy Spirit protecting thee.

Moses a highly anointed prophet could look at God of Israel’s face–Moses sacrificed so God gave him mercy and grace.

God of all the earth and heavens is made out of pure fire the stuff people see in hell which is dire.

See in Exodus 19:18 (nineteen: eighteen) to see what I mean. Our souls are dirty; we are unclean.

Our spirits have no life–until we confess to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. If you want to see God the Most High you must be reborn in the spirit, if not you will surely die.


Written on January 18, 2020 by Suzae Chevalier

A familiar spirit gives lyrics
to a songwriter unaware.
The songwriter writes words that
are sad, mad and life is not fair.

Spirit will tell them their words
are original, writing unique.
But if you look closely you will see
Why would God make these
“live to die” depressing themes?
Satan’s plan is to take mankind’s mind
through power of suggestion ever sublime
With words of trickery to a beat—
making people dance-move their feet—
get them emotional, thinking lyrics are neat!
But Satan has took your mind in time—
having you hypnotized by a lie.
Blind to feel sad, mad and now I do dare-.
Dare to take my life with a gun or a knife.
Lyrics make you think ‘alright to die‘
Teenagers then commit suicide—
Because “it’s alright to prove them wrong”
soon in hell screaming to a different song.




Please read prayer in Heaven flyer




Written on January 2, 2021

“How much is your soul worth you may ask?”
”I will tell you, it is priceless.”
Your soul is made for eternity
but many sell their soul in a day-
for money and fleeting fame-
some people are gone in less then six decades.
They could not enjoy their money while life passed by-
Theirs and your life is a blink of an eye.
Their earth life is the billionaire’s Heaven for many billionaires are in hell–
down in the pit-
Every time someone hears their hit—
they’re tormented just like that.
This life goes by sooo fast—-
only the the next life lasts
and lasts.
It’s either Heaven or hell–
For all spirits are dead without the Holy Spirit.
Eternal life in the spirit or eternal death of the soul—
So thank Jesus for dying for you to give you a way of escape-
or you won’t eat another grape.
See no amount of money can save you from the grave.

Written by Suzae Chevalier on January 2, 2021