On Friday August 14, 2020 I had a deliverance right after a lady’s mother just had a deliverance. People prayed for the ladie’s mother then I was next. Pastor then said

“I don’t have time to do a deliverance, I’m just going to anoint you tonight, and he just anointed my head with oil. Then all of a sudden the demon in me came up and yelled,

“I hate you, I hate you!”

Then he asked

“Can a couple of you woman come over and pray for her?”

I was looking down and I could only see the womans feet for the Holy Spirit and the holy angels were holding this New Age demon down. The women started saying,

“In the name of Jesus with Holy Spirit fire you strongman go to the pit!”

Then one of the woman said,

New Age demon come out!”

“New Age demon come out!” then she yelled “Kundalini spirit come out!”

That’s when the spirit got really angry and at the time I could not look up at the ladies because of the Holy Spirit fire. The spirit really wanted to see who was trying to cast him out.

Then the demon in me started getting really angry and manifested. My body started to move like a snake with my hands going like a wave up and down. The demon started crying and did not want to go to the pit which is hell in the middle of the earth in the spiritual realm. Then he finally did with Jesus’ Holy Spirit fire.

Thank You JESUS!

During deliverances the Holy Spirit makes the enemy spill the beans. Thank you Jesus! Jesus, the highest name in heaven and earth and below (which is hell in the middle of the earth) the only Name the demons say when they are being tortured by His heat –fire.

Last night on August 8th 2020 the Spirit husband said

“He loved me!”

-which the Pastor responded to him,

“No you don’t!”

The demon was very bold when he removed the cross from my head screaming at pastor,

“Take the cross off my head!”

Then the Pastor told him,

“Put the metal cross back on her head and put her back in her chair right now!”

The Holy Spirit and the holy angels made him (demon) put the metal cross back on my head and to put me back in my chair. The Pastor asked the spirit if he was the one causing my scratches at night. The demon said,


The demon mentioned Jesus’ name, begging mercy from Him. Then the Pastor had a fellow servant of Jesus Christ read Revelation 20:1. 20 And I saw an angel coming down out of heaven, having the key to the Abyss and holding in his hand a great chain. He seized the dragon, that ancient serpent, who is the devil, or Satan, and bound him for a thousand years.

The demon put my hands over my ears for he did not want to hear his doom from God’s written WORD. in Revelation of JESUS Christ.
Thank You JESUS for our victory over the enemy! Special Note: After deliverance I asked Holy Spirit how Spirit husband came in and He told me–which confirmed my scratch on my stomache the other night. Thank You JESUS!

On Saturday August 1, 2020 the demon was nicer to Pastor Jana, they never swear at her. He kindly told her to go to someone else to help. As soon as he said he liked me, it was a give away that he was another “spirit husband”. He put up a fight, but could not overcome the power of God’s Holy Spirit. Thank You JESUS!

On Friday July 31, 2020 the bold strongman said he was a spirit and that we were dust, and he had me stamp my feet and scream “dirt” below my feet. The Pastor knows we are empty vessels and that our power and authority come from Jesus Christ and His spirit that lives in every true believer that is bought and paid for by Jesus Christ’s blood on the cross. Later the Pastor played the Shofar and it drove all the demons in people nuts. A demon in me called out for him to stop it and that he was S.O.B. That demon was cast out! Thank You Jesus!

On Friday July 24, 2020– 10,000 holy angels came to put a strongman named Satan to the test and evict him from my house (soul). I saw my guadian angel on my right side who wears a red suit and has a sword in his hand all the time. The holy angels fight in your very soul and break chains off of you in the supernatural. The strongman screams to JESUS!

stop the fire!”

Then the demon rattled off using my left hand all the kingdoms under him. He said “Indian” and the Pastor asked

“Are you a person or a spirit?”

He replied that my Native American great grandparents worshiped the sun and that they were from an Indian tribe in Wisconsin and that I had the information in my files. This spirit came in from my dad’s Chevalier side with his mother Vivian’s grandparents who had and intermarriage in the early 1900’s and did an ungodly act of worshipping a sun god.

Special note: When I got home I asked Holy Spirit to confirm about 10,000 holy angels being there and He showed me scripture! Wow! Thank You JESUS and Your Holy Spirit for being there for me with those angels!

On Friday June 26, 2020 I left earlier for deliverance for there was a thunderstorm and I had an appointment. I was on my way to Orange Theory, which I rescheduled. The Holy Spirit set this up and convicted the strongman Satan before I even arrived at the deliverance session. I told the Pastor

“ I am not going to make it on Saturday.”

Unknownilgy after saying this, I didn’t think I would be deliverd that night but the Pastor came up to me while my eyes we’re closed and the demon came up making my hands be in a claw like postion. The first demon to come up was was Lucifer, but the Pastor told him to go back down for he knew he was not the strongman. Then Satan the strongman came up. He had me pound on my chest saying that,

“I caused the two thunderstorms and she

even arrived early!”

Yes, it did rain so bad that you could not see as I looked at the Burger King windows when I was there, flooding the parking lot. I know that I would go to a deliverance no matter if it was thundering and raining no matter what, even if I live over 40 minutes away. The strongman Satan also was convicted by the Holy Spirit to grab a hold of Jezebel to go the pit with him by having me grab my arms around my body without even the Pastor asking him who else was under his authority. Satan took Jezebeland Lucifer with him to the pit of hell with other lower level demons. Satan strongman also mentioned he was mad that Pastor Sam who he called Uncle Sam for telling me to get rid of all my (pagan) stuff. He had said in a previous deliverance session that he knew where the candles were. I found it and the plates. The Holy Spirit told me to get a shovel and dig.

Also during this previous deliverance my great grandmother’s soul fragment from 400 years ago came up and asked JESUS

“Forgive my soul, please!”

They worshiped Satan (400 hundred years ago)and had a snake for a sacrifice (which I figured out with revelation from the Holy Spirit) in an orgy which is now Czech Republic.

Thank You JESUS for Your Holy Spirit and Your unfailing love and faithfulness!


On July 4th the Palm Beach Post photographer Allen Eyestone photographed me wearing a mask that reads: “GIVE ME 6 FT.” (available at Lake Worth Tee Shirt Company more masks on the way but they have blue masks with $2.00 donations going to Wounded Warriors www.woundedwarriorsproject.org) at Benny’s on the Beach while I was waiting for a table with my brother and his wife. COVID-19 cases has risen drastically in Florida since reopening the article reads.https://www.palmbeachpost.com/news/20200705/coronavirus-what-you-need-to-know-sunday-july-5


The LORD’s Holy Spirit showed me last night June 20, 2020 1 Chronicles 21:12-30 which confirms two other prophetess from other countries are saying as well. I say go on a 3 day fast while this 3 days of darkness is happening to have God’s holy angels fighting for you while wearing the whole armor of God, confess your sins and be close to God praying forgiveness prayer all the time, plead the Blood of Jesus over your family, loved ones, friends, home and ask angels of God from the 3rd heaven to protect your soul, family and home as well. Pray scripture Zecharia 2:5 as well non stop! Beloved take heed three days of darkness. You need to pray the “Prayer of Forgiveness” for our families, our children, ourselves so we are in our homes when darkness strikes. If you are a true child of God you have power and authority to forgive sins of loved ones on earth through LORD Jesus Christ. No one can go outside when darkness happens. More deaths than COVID-19! No TV, radio, no electricity. It is only going to be between you and your God which should the True Almighty God who is sending this plague. Give glory to God! He is sending this plague because this world is being overtaking by fake prophets and pastors not preaching the True Word of God. You need to acknowledge Him. It will be a sign and a wonder from God. He is the True Living GOD. No man, nation could make this happen when it does-only GOD. Give Glory to GOD now!!! When the three days of darkness strikes demonic spirits are going to take over. These demons are going to be everywhere. These demons are going to impersonate our family members and talk in their voices so you open your door. Do not open the door! The demon would destruct your spirit and family inside, causing death. Seal all widows so no light can get in. Get flashlights. Demons can see with their eyes and noses and can pull you Prayer of Forgiveness all the time. Tell your family members, friends, love ones if they don’t prepare for 3 days of darkness it is going to be more than COVID-19. Please prayer to God everyday for your family and friends. Share this video with family and friends and tell people to prepare! You want to be ready incase this happens and ask God’s Holy Spirit and angels to protect and warn you!

1 Chronicles 21:121 Chronicles 21:12-17 (NIV)

12 three years of famine, three months of being swept away[a] before your enemies, with their swords overtaking you, or three days of the sword of the Lord—days of plague in the land, with the angel of the Lord ravaging every part of Israel.’ Now then, decide how I should answer the one who sent me.”

13 David said to Gad, “I am in deep distress. Let me fall into the hands of the Lord, for his mercy is very great; but do not let me fall into human hands.”

14 So the Lord sent a plague on Israel, and seventy thousand men of Israel fell dead. 15 And God sent an angel to destroy Jerusalem. But as the angel was doing so, the Lord saw it and relented concerning the disaster and said to the angel who was destroying the people, “Enough! Withdraw your hand.” The angel of the Lord was then standing at the threshing floor of Araunah[b] the Jebusite.

16 David looked up and saw the angel of the Lord standing between heaven and earth, with a drawn sword in his hand extended over Jerusalem. Then David and the elders, clothed in sackcloth, fell facedown.

17 David said to God, “Was it not I who ordered the fighting men to be counted? I, the shepherd,[c] have sinned and done wrong. These are but sheep. What have they done? Lord my God, let your hand fall on me and my family, but do not let this plague remain on your people.”

Zechariah 2:5 English Standard Version (ESV)

And I will be to her a wall of fire all around, declares the Lord, and I will be the glory in her midst.’”

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