Written by Suzae on September 28, 2021

How many Pastors do you know who talk about hell?

Not very many, I do know too well.

For if they knew that their familiar spirit (Leviticus 19:31) of the dark kingdom (Ephesians 6:12 does deceive and make even the Pastors of

“In the world churches” believebelieve

that once saved in the spirit you will be fine

well, that is one of Satan’s number one lies.

See everyday its a battle in the spirit realm for your very soul

if they (the demons=fallen angels) can get you on your TVs in your homes…

and you are not loving the poor and obeying God’s laws and commands

please do understand

even to “not know” (Hosea 4:6) about the “things of this world”

Can make you fall

fall, fall, fall-

back into sin

they (fallen angels) know your mojo

and they play it to win and make your life more than grim.

See your (Mark 9:43-48)-sinful behavior the enemy knows very well

anything to get you into hell.

So do not fall into the enemy’s hands…

and then you land…in a cell in hell–

which is down in the abyss…understand-the pit.

Once in hell, you won’t know what you got (life from Jesus) till it’s gone

you won’t be singing your favorite song.

It’s not worth the things of the world to sacrifice your soul

which is more precious than all of earth’s gold.

You have to discern and rise to heaven above it all.

For this world will be gone in “a blink of any eye” 1 Corinthians 15:52 

and where is your soul and your next life?

I hope not in hell for a short time of sin–

when you make JESUS Christ die for your soul again and again.

GOD will not be mocked, so…please read (Galatians 6:7) Galatians Six: Seven coming from the Most High God of the highest heaven.

So “Don’t be fooled” with the “in the world churches of today”

it’s better to have a true Christian rebuke you--(1 Timothy 5:20)

then to have an “In the world churchsend you to the grave.

You Say You Have Discernment

You Say You Have Discernment

The Holy Spirit Protects You When You Die If You Are Saved

Your soul and spirit goes on for eternity. Your soul which is your feelings and thoughts are more intense when you die.  God made you for eternity. Make sure you have the Holy Spirit in your spirit before you die by confessing Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior everyday. Cling to Jesus now. Read the Word of God the Holy Bible everyday from 5 to 10 chapters. In the 2nd heaven this man heard with his mind, and traveled with the speed of thought in the spirit realm. Very Good Video! The Bible states more about demons than it does God’s angels from the 3rd heaven. God is warning us about them in the Holy Bible. Luke 10:18 So He said to them, “I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven. We will see false miracles and we already do with magicians that have sold there soul to the devil to get supernatural powers. Satan did not lose his anointing from God when he fell from being called Lucifer. The same with lukewarm Christians–they will not lose their anointing but will not be in God’s will.

Matthew 8:29. We are giving a sovereign will by God and no angel will interfere with your will to sin. We have free will to sin or not, so make up your mind today to have eternal life through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ who died for you so you could have power and victory over sin, death and the world. WE HAVE NO FREE WILL ONCE WE DIE. You will have to give an account to the LORD YOUR GOD for what you did on this Earth. Is Jesus your LORD and SAVIOR? Are you in the BOOK of LIFE?

WATCH this powerful video by Pastor David Wilkerson. BE WRITTEN IN THE BOOK OF LIFE, NOT DEATH IN HELL

Matthew 7:13-14 New International Version (NIV)

The Narrow and Wide Gates

13 “Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. 14 But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.

Jesus talked more about hell in the Holy Bible than heaven. Can you imagine the literal darkness in hell? The churches are not preaching this anymore. Greatest torment in hell is going to be the CROSS OF JESUS CHRIST. When the whole story will be let know to the people in hell.

LOOK AND LIVE JESUS SAID! He sees  IT WAS SO SIMPLE! THE CROSS OF JESUS CHRIST! IT WILL BE THE GREATEST TORMENT TO PEOPLE IN HELL. The CROSS, ruined Satan’s power of darkness in the next life of eternity.

I tell as many people as I can, you should too. Hell is in the heart of the earth, people are there now. Vengeance in GODS. Satan and his demons will be tormented night and day in the Lake of Fire with all who did not confess Jesus as LORD and SAVIOR for OUR SINS.

Wake up, listen what the Holy Spirit is saying to the people of this nation the UNITED STATES of AMERICA. Repent now to Jesus. The day of September 11 was a WARNING from GOD. We have fallen as a nation –disobeying our parents, and obey not the gospel of our LORD JESUS CHRIST. GOD can just breath HIS breath and fire ruins Sodom and Gomorrah. IMAGINE what HIS wrath will be in HELL? You will have an eternal body that can not be consumed it will be for ETERNITY.

Jesus Is Our Only Hope to Eternity

Jesus not only is the Son of God, and is the second person in the trinity. He has feelings, and love us very much. He wants us to repent of our sins and have salvation which is given freely. Acts 2:38