Written by Suzae on September 28, 2021

How many Pastors do you know who talk about hell?

Not very many, I do know too well.

For if they knew that their familiar spirit (Leviticus 19:31) of the dark kingdom (Ephesians 6:12 does deceive and make even the Pastors of

“In the world churches” believebelieve

that once saved in the spirit you will be fine

well, that is one of Satan’s number one lies.

See everyday its a battle in the spirit realm for your very soul

if they (the demons=fallen angels) can get you on your TVs in your homes…

and you are not loving the poor and obeying God’s laws and commands

please do understand

even to “not know” (Hosea 4:6) about the “things of this world”

Can make you fall

fall, fall, fall-

back into sin

they (fallen angels) know your mojo

and they play it to win and make your life more than grim.

See your (Mark 9:43-48)-sinful behavior the enemy knows very well

anything to get you into hell.

So do not fall into the enemy’s hands…

and then you land…in a cell in hell–

which is down in the abyss…understand-the pit.

Once in hell, you won’t know what you got (life from Jesus) till it’s gone

you won’t be singing your favorite song.

It’s not worth the things of the world to sacrifice your soul

which is more precious than all of earth’s gold.

You have to discern and rise to heaven above it all.

For this world will be gone in “a blink of any eye” 1 Corinthians 15:52 

and where is your soul and your next life?

I hope not in hell for a short time of sin–

when you make JESUS Christ die for your soul again and again.

GOD will not be mocked, so…please read (Galatians 6:7) Galatians Six: Seven coming from the Most High God of the highest heaven.

So “Don’t be fooled” with the “in the world churches of today”

it’s better to have a true Christian rebuke you--(1 Timothy 5:20)

then to have an “In the world churchsend you to the grave.

You Say You Have Discernment

You Say You Have Discernment


Idemudia Guobadia: The Year of the Holy Spirit And Revival 2019


Cue your counter a little to the right–to avoid music at beginning.

Idemudia Guobadia sermon is very uplifting and so is his prayers to the Father of Heaven. Holy Spirit wants to express himself like never before. Holy Spirit wants us to put our trust in the finished worked on the cross by Jesus Christ.

The Holy Spirit flows in seven dimensions: The Spirit of the LORD, The Spirit of Might, Spirit of Knowledge, Spirit of Understanding, Spirit of Wisdom, Spirit of Fear of the LORD, Spirit of Counsel.

Without the Spirit of Understanding how can you maintain your deliverance. Without  and Wisdom how can you walk in your authority as a believer. Holy Spirit is coming to put His house in order. God is looking for pots that are holy. Read Zechariah 14:20-21 God does not want death in His pots. There will no more (hypocrites) one foot in and one foot out for the LORD because the fire will be too hot for them to endure. God is trying to get rid of hindrance the advancement of the Kingdom of God. Disappointment will make many Christians give up on the world and its systems. He doesn’t want His children to be friends with the world. Every man’s heart is revealed in the fire. Some will turn to the occult for solutions. That is were that will show they will never His people. The appointed remnants will seek God for their life’s questions.  As in Acts 2: The Holy Ghost came as wind and then as fire. There is a wind that will blow that will drive out frustration in the Body of Christ. Then fire will come. Lukewarm Christians that don’t catch the revival will despise and resent the Christians that are on fire for God. This is not a year to play game with our faith. We are called to inherit eternal life. God is not going tolerate one leg in and one leg out. God is looking for people who are sold out to Him. Many Christians will be running with horses, not man. Also when you run with horses at God’s speed you will outrun the horses. Fire united us in the pots. We decree that today is a day of liberty. We pray in Jesus name. Thank You Father, Amen.
