A Full Commitment


A Tribute To My Mother Whose In Heaven

My mom is in white sweater with sunglasses on. She made Jesus her Lord and Savior 3 months before she left this world. I saw her on a big white horse with red hair. She is in the “Lamb’s Book of Life”. Thank You Jesus for giving her salvation! Aunt Bev Del Gigante is saluting in the middle and Aunt Joanie is on the left of her.


My mom’s in heaven this is true

She asked Jesus for forgiveness

And He gave her salvation

He loves her and gave her life—

She was reborn in the spirit

Reconciled to God

She will live in eternity

In the land of the living

Thank You Jesus for your hope and

Promises of salvation!

Written by Suzae Chevalier on December 15, 2018

Quotes By Suzae Chevalier

Suzae at Lake Worth Street Painting Festival