Pastor Washer says he will step on toes but is convicted by God and asks in this video are you a Christian that Jesus will know? Do you still act like the rest of the world? Do you still party, dress like the world, listen to rock, etc.? Do you act more like the world and not like Jesus Christ? Holy Spirit would convict you of sin if you have the Holy Spirit in your spirit once you are saved in the spirit. Some pagans act more like a true Christian then the Christians that say they are (cultural) Christians. You will know them by their fruits. Not every road leads to Rome and especially not to heaven which is holy. Jesus wants you to be like Him-holy. His Holy Spirit will sanctify you and convict you of sin. We are in the age of grace and God forgives you and loves you and knows your soul better than you. We are to obey His voice and commands. The church today needs to teach the true gospel, not the feel good sugar coated gospel. You will only be saved through Jesus Christ’s salvation. Read HEAVEN FLYER now on the MENU bar and become a child of God today! Start reading the Word of God-the Holy Bible. God bless you!
Demons come down the family bloodline through family curses. Demons will hide, we need to get those demons out. Mark 4:22 The LORD will reveal the darkness (demons) so we can worship freely the LORD JESUS. If we cover our sin we do not prosper. Expose, make visible your sins. The enemy does not want you to expose them.
Family curses like as adultery come down through the bloodline. These family curses breaks up the marriages. We have to confess our sins to Jesus so the demons have no legal rights anymore. We need the Lord in the time of trouble. Demons hide in your soul and are waiting for you to sin to activate curse.
1 Listen to my prayer, O God, do not ignore my plea; 2 hear me and answer me. My thoughts trouble me and I am distraught 3 because of what my enemy is saying, because of the threats of the wicked; for they bring down suffering on me and assail me in their anger.