I have written a prayer to be read On National Day of Prayer May 2, 2019 and April 30, 2019 to be read at Ground Zero in NYC where our first capital of the United States stood. President George Washington consecrated the United States into God’s hands that day 230 years ago. Please read out loud and lift your hands high reaching toward heaven. We give honor and glory to God Almighty for blessing this country. It is time to reflect as a nation on our moral decline and reach now to God with humble hearts in repentance. Thank you for reading this message and feel free to print this prayer and to give to as many people as possible along with Heaven Flyers. Your faith must be anchored on the Word of God.


“Heavenly and merciful Father ever so compassionate, have mercy on us as a nation. We come to you today in the name of Your Son Jesus Christ. Our humble hearts reach out to you to confess our sins as a nation that has brought our moral decline. We repent now and turn to You again our faithful God. Let our sins be wiped out, that a day of refreshing come upon as a nation and its people by our Lord Jesus. We pray that the citizens of our dear country are saved in the spirit through conviction of sin by Your Holy Spirit. We also pray that You intervene for the broken people of our nation as well as heal their hearts. Heal all divisions of all our people so that we can work as one nation under God. We give You all the Glory for all of our blessings that You have bestowed on our nation from its very foundation. We turn to You again and Your commandments once more. In Jesus name we pray. Amen.”

I believe Jesus is telling me what will become of our nation if we do not repent soon. I opened my Bible tonight February 23, 2019 and Jesus showed me this scripture:


Remember, Lord, what has happened to us;

    look, and see our disgrace.
Our inheritance has been turned over to strangers,
    our homes to foreigners.
We have become fatherless,
    our mothers are widows.
We must buy the water we drink;
    our wood can be had only at a price.
Those who pursue us are at our heels;
    we are weary and find no rest.
We submitted to Egypt and Assyria
    to get enough bread.
Our ancestors sinned and are no more,
    and we bear their punishment.
Slaves rule over us,
    and there is no one to free us from their hands.
We get our bread at the risk of our lives
    because of the sword in the desert.
10 Our skin is hot as an oven,
    feverish from hunger.
11 Women have been violated in Zion,
    and virgins in the towns of Judah.
12 Princes have been hung up by their hands;
    elders are shown no respect.
13 Young men toil at the millstones;
    boys stagger under loads of wood.
14 The elders are gone from the city gate;
    the young men have stopped their music.
15 Joy is gone from our hearts;
    our dancing has turned to mourning.
16 The crown has fallen from our head.
    Woe to us, for we have sinned!
17 Because of this our hearts are faint,
    because of these things our eyes grow dim
18 for Mount Zion, which lies desolate,
    with jackals prowling over it.

19 You, Lord, reign forever;
    your throne endures from generation to generation.
20 Why do you always forget us?
    Why do you forsake us so long?
21 Restore us to yourself, Lord, that we may return;
    renew our days as of old
22 unless you have utterly rejected us
    and are angry with us beyond measure.

God has already set judgement but we have only a small amount of time to repent now to be saved in the spirit. Do not take the mark of the beast. Hell is real, I have smelled the sulfur and many have testimonies of visiting hell.

Our country’s forefathers fought a revolution to secure your liberties for your freedom why are sending our children to wars for other? We don’t have voice in this country anymore for they are putting Christians in jail while real killers go free? Are there no more values in America? Could we regain the freedoms that our forefathers fought for? Its time to take a stand, defend the Constitution before its too late. For the laws of man will never override the Laws of God. In the end people will be accountable to God for how they lived their lives and if you made Jesus your Lord and Savior with all your heart and soul. Do not fear what man can do to you, but fear the one that can put your soul in hell.

Psalm 118:6 The LORD is with me; I will not be afraid. What can mere mortals do to me?

Matthew 10:28

“And do not be afraid of those who kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul. Rather, fear him who is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.”



I opened the Bible today Saturday February 9, 2019 and Jesus showed me Isaiah 13 and Amos 5 which I interpreted as God warning United States of America to Repent of her sins and God is raising an army up to do spiritual warfare prayers against the enemy (demons)who demonized people to bring division and brought our nation down to godlessness. See after video below scripture I was shown in Holy Bible.

The freedom of speech and the freedom to bare arms will be gone in the near future. WE need to as a nation to start repenting for our sins. We need to intercede for this nation with prayer. Our freedoms are on the line. He is not talking about the president. We are being challenged now about the freedoms. The LORD gave him a vision about our right to bare arms, freedom of speech and freedom of religion. God listens to prayer. He hears the prayers of the righteous. We have to maintain the things that we have.


13 A prophecy against Babylon that Isaiah son of Amoz saw:

Raise a banner on a bare hilltop,
    shout to them;
beckon to them
    to enter the gates of the nobles.
I have commanded those I prepared for battle;
    I have summoned my warriors to carry out my wrath—
    those who rejoice in my triumph.

Listen, a noise on the mountains,
    like that of a great multitude!
Listen, an uproar among the kingdoms,
    like nations massing together!
The Lord Almighty is mustering
    an army for war.
They come from faraway lands,
    from the ends of the heavens—
the Lord and the weapons of his wrath—
    to destroy the whole country.

Wail, for the day of the Lord is near;
    it will come like destruction from the Almighty.[a]
Because of this, all hands will go limp,
    every heart will melt with fear.
Terror will seize them,
    pain and anguish will grip them;
    they will writhe like a woman in labor.
They will look aghast at each other,
    their faces aflame.

See, the day of the Lord is coming
    —a cruel day, with wrath and fierce anger—
to make the land desolate
    and destroy the sinners within it.
10 The stars of heaven and their constellations
    will not show their light.
The rising sun will be darkened
    and the moon will not give its light.
11 I will punish the world for its evil,
    the wicked for their sins.
I will put an end to the arrogance of the haughty
    and will humble the pride of the ruthless.
12 I will make people scarcer than pure gold,
    more rare than the gold of Ophir.
13 Therefore I will make the heavens tremble;
    and the earth will shake from its place
at the wrath of the Lord Almighty,
    in the day of his burning anger.

14 Like a hunted gazelle,
    like sheep without a shepherd,
they will all return to their own people,
    they will flee to their native land.
15 Whoever is captured will be thrust through;
    all who are caught will fall by the sword.
16 Their infants will be dashed to pieces before their eyes;
    their houses will be looted and their wives violated.

17 See, I will stir up against them the Medes,
    who do not care for silver
    and have no delight in gold.
18 Their bows will strike down the young men;
    they will have no mercy on infants,
    nor will they look with compassion on children.
19 Babylon, the jewel of kingdoms,
    the pride and glory of the Babylonians,[b]
will be overthrown by God
    like Sodom and Gomorrah.
20 She will never be inhabited
    or lived in through all generations;
there no nomads will pitch their tents,
    there no shepherds will rest their flocks.
21 But desert creatures will lie there,
    jackals will fill her houses;
there the owls will dwell,
    and there the wild goats will leap about.
22 Hyenas will inhabit her strongholds,
    jackals her luxurious palaces.
Her time is at hand,
    and her days will not be prolonged.

Amos 5

A Lament and Call to Repentance

Hear this word, Israel, this lament I take up concerning you:

“Fallen is Virgin Israel,
    never to rise again,
deserted in her own land,
    with no one to lift her up.”

This is what the Sovereign Lord says to Israel:

“Your city that marches out a thousand strong
    will have only a hundred left;
your town that marches out a hundred strong
    will have only ten left.”

This is what the Lord says to Israel:

“Seek me and live;
    do not seek Bethel,
do not go to Gilgal,
    do not journey to Beersheba.
For Gilgal will surely go into exile,
    and Bethel will be reduced to nothing.[a]
Seek the Lord and live,
    or he will sweep through the tribes of Joseph like a fire;
it will devour them,
    and Bethel will have no one to quench it.

There are those who turn justice into bitterness
    and cast righteousness to the ground.

He who made the Pleiades and Orion,
    who turns midnight into dawn
    and darkens day into night,
who calls for the waters of the sea
    and pours them out over the face of the land—
    the Lord is his name.
With a blinding flash he destroys the stronghold
    and brings the fortified city to ruin.

10 There are those who hate the one who upholds justice in court
    and detest the one who tells the truth.

11 You levy a straw tax on the poor
    and impose a tax on their grain.
Therefore, though you have built stone mansions,
    you will not live in them;
though you have planted lush vineyards,
    you will not drink their wine.
12 For I know how many are your offenses
    and how great your sins.

There are those who oppress the innocent and take bribes
    and deprive the poor of justice in the courts.
13 Therefore the prudent keep quiet in such times,
    for the times are evil.

14 Seek good, not evil,
    that you may live.
Then the Lord God Almighty will be with you,
    just as you say he is.
15 Hate evil, love good;
    maintain justice in the courts.
Perhaps the Lord God Almighty will have mercy
    on the remnant of Joseph.

16 Therefore this is what the Lord, the Lord God Almighty, says:

“There will be wailing in all the streets
    and cries of anguish in every public square.
The farmers will be summoned to weep
    and the mourners to wail.
17 There will be wailing in all the vineyards,
    for I will pass through your midst,”
says the Lord.

The Day of the Lord

18 Woe to you who long
    for the day of the Lord!
Why do you long for the day of the Lord?
    That day will be darkness, not light.
19 It will be as though a man fled from a lion
    only to meet a bear,
as though he entered his house
    and rested his hand on the wall
    only to have a snake bite him.
20 Will not the day of the Lord be darkness, not light—
    pitch-dark, without a ray of brightness?

21 “I hate, I despise your religious festivals;
    your assemblies are a stench to me.
22 Even though you bring me burnt offerings and grain offerings,
    I will not accept them.
Though you bring choice fellowship offerings,
    I will have no regard for them.
23 Away with the noise of your songs!
    I will not listen to the music of your harps.
24 But let justice roll on like a river,
    righteousness like a never-failing stream!

25 “Did you bring me sacrifices and offerings
    forty years in the wilderness, people of Israel?
26 You have lifted up the shrine of your king,
    the pedestal of your idols,
    the star of your god[b]
    which you made for yourselves.
27 Therefore I will send you into exile beyond Damascus,”
    says the Lord, whose name is God Almighty.