Apocalypse and the End Times – Anthony Patch – 1

Scientists are already communicating with the other side-which is demonic. The processing takes place in other dimension-hell. Fallen angels have a consciousness like us. God made angels with feelings, wills and emotions. Holy angels and demons (fallen angels) can not be redeemed like us humans. Jesus died for the human race, not the angelic realm. Humans need to get saved today in the spirit.

Paul McGuire interviews Anthony Patch about actually evidence on this
Large Hadron Collider computer at Cern that has cracked open a portal and are talking to demonic beings that will bring about a paradigm shift. When these demonic beings start moving through the portal from hell we better be ready by having the HOLY SPIRIT to overcome with this mass delusion that will come on the entire earth. God wants you to know the truth. You need to watch the rest of these interviews. This machine the scientist are working on is in alignment with Revelation 9 in the Book The Revelation of Jesus Christ. 



BEWARE! Kundalini Serpent Spirits & The FAKE Holy Ghost!

Dr. Pat Holiday says the Holy Spirit told her how the church’s have been blinded by this Kundalini Serpents. When you do meditation, yoga –these demons come in your mind (brain) the devils take your mind and your spirit is bound down in the area where your navel is. John Ramirez confirms this in his video with interview by Ed Citronnellion (Part 1)/ Ed below. Mind control demons coming in denominational churches. The Occult came into the supernatural churches–churches with names with the word “Unity”. I performed at one in South Carolina where they taught Oneness Blessing techniques (it came from India) that brings this Kundalini serpent spirit (comes out of Eastern religions)into your soul. I am doing self-deliverance’s on this demon now. Yoga and Marshal Arts has come into these churches

He won 18 souls for the Kingdom of Light for his brother who gave his life to Jesus days before he died. God knows you are broken, your fragmented. The Word of God the holy Bible heals your soul when you read it. Are you sold out for Jesus Christ and what He did for you? God loves too much to let you go. Jesus does not put you in hell. Your decision on who you think Jesus is puts you in hell. Hell is like a person that breathes on you. It envelops you like a heavy garment. The Church has been called to win souls, to baptize, Christ is in the business of transforming people. Give God the glory when we transform a messed up person. Let the Word of God examine you and what you preach. Churches are preaching a candy cane Gospel. We blame God for everything and we don’t blame the devil. Time is running out and I don’t want to miss Jesus.

SHOCKING: Former Son of Satan Reveals How he attacked Christians (Part 1)/ Ed Citronnelli

He recruited Christians to the feet of the devil. 21 divisions of the dark side. The devil’s number is 21, there is 21 divisions of the devil. The devil set up 21 false religions, Spiritualism, Muslim, New Age, Islam, Wicca, Santeria, etc. The devil sets up these false religions that can cover all cultures to recruit people ignorantly. Satan is working the most with his demons at night while Christians are sleeping. Kingdom of Darkness is driven by fear, death to get the agents like him at the time. He would fight with the weak Christians mind. Christian vessels who were at night clubs who are weak (one foot in the world) they are full of religion and not the Word of God he could take down and recruit. He put curses on neighborhoods with in NYC. He would astral project out of his body and work different regions. When you sing songs off the TV, CD’s you are bringing demons into your house. The church is not teaching the people what they are suppose to know. You can have victory over the devil through the Blood of Jesus and His name.

Armed and Dangerous with John Ramirez – Part 1

Armed and Dangerous book trains you how to fight back and be on the offense. We need to take a stand with the prayers of this book, the faith of God and the Holy Spirit to fight for you in the spiritual realm. Set your family free. Protect family with prayers.


Pray to Jesus Christ everyday. This man’s testimony is real and what he is saying is very real. If you have the spiritual eyes to see demons you know what I am talking about. Jesus gives you that power only if He wills it. Satan gave this man the power to see in the spirit realm.


Blog posted on May 2, 2019. This man wanted to be rich, famous and meet Lucifer. He consulted a Mystic. Mystic told him to write a letter to Lucifer and go to grave of a rich man in a graveyard. He saw this man’s ghost–his body stayed-this man left in the spirit and soul into hell. He saw a horse on a road. The sky was red, no sun. The demon greeted him. He was very shaken. One of them from the waist up was a snake. He was very scared. Don’t be scared you seeked us. They put him on a horse–this horse was all skeleton and placed a red scarf around my neck. He saw his friend that was a dog with a human head. Then a white demon said why are you shocked? He saw cars passing, that were skeletons. He saw his professor face to face that died in a car accident. The demons said if you get scared again you will not return to earth. Demon said there was many demons on earth. Lucifer gave him power to see spiritually on earth to see demons. On the left side Lucifer was beautiful and the right side of him he was all rotten looking. Lucifer said
” I know why you come here and what you asking me for. I give you a one mission on earth.”
He noticed that outside of the kingdom it was all dead and Lucifer it is the same on earth in spirit realm in different parts.
Lucifer said
“Destroy the works of Jesus Christ the High Master.”
Lucifer gave him 2,000 powerful demons to go with him to earth. He gave him 14 days to complete his mission. He really only had you 3 days. When he got into the earth realm–he say millions of millions of demons in spirit eye. Humans can not see them. You have to have spiritual eyes to see them. You Christians do not be attached to these things on earth. If you saw the cars on earth it is a casket of your dead friend or family member that died in a car. You have to be very careful. In September to December these cars come from hell into the earth realm. Lucifer feeds off human blood from these people who die in car accidents. Pray before you get into a car. Do not go fast in your car. This guy saw a person shining brightly and had a angel protecting him–a true Christian. The fire around this Christian would kill these demons that was around this man. Then they saw a dark man who gave his life to Lucifer after leaving Jesus Christ and now he is controlled by these demons. Another guy had a bright shiny star on his forehead and has a holy angel of God protecting him. When this true Christian calls out Jesus name it is very powerful and we flee. The demon told him
“We have to take down Christians. We have to look at their children and their wives.”
Please Christians train your family to live a life of prayer. You have to continue to pray all the time.
We will send millions demons to this Christian home through you. They went after this wife and put evil spirits into this woman. Her spirit is now in hell. You Christians should not desire of other people’s things and desiring it. It is the doors of entry that is allowing evil spirits into your life. You have to be very cautious. When this girl dressed totally seductive–the people with lust of eyes brought the demons into these people’s spirits by looking at her. This girl brought demons into the church. The body you are in is an envelope. The soul is allowing your body to function. Many people have killed people by other people’s thoughts. Lucifer will show you in hell when you die a video of how you killed someone on earth with your thoughts. Be cautious, cautious. Even if you are poor and hungry do not loose the Spirit of God in you.




Make sure you have the throne of Christ over your family. If you don’t belong of Jesus you are ruled by the enemy who can take down your family. Jesus knew there was powers in operation like white magic, green magic, yellow magic, black magic, magic of the Roman Catholic church when He was on the earth. John Paul will tell you how he got into witchcraft. Witches travel to the astral realm of witches at 1 am in the morning. That is why babies cry at 1 am and cats act different at this time. Watch all these videos to know the secrets of the enemy.

BEWARE Gospel singers signed pacts with the devil.


We who are made in the image of God are called “STUPID” by the demons who are evil and hate us. Every exorcism she does the demons say people are gross, how horrible the humans have done. All the humans who have done incest, the change of sex, etc. People do not understand the covenants that humans come into when we do ungodly things. God is white and pure like snow, not red like in covenants. When you disobey God you die spiritually, that is why you have to repent to God. Spirits are transferred from people you talk to you that don’t talk Christ. Do not compromise, the demons join in. Don’t conform to the world. Once you conform to the world demons come in. Christians who wear tight pants are making people fall into sin. Cartoons you watch–some cartoons has mark the beast in it. Those cartoon characters worship idols. Delete the whole television network. Cartoon Network is leading kids to hell.


Keep all your confessions firm in the LORD JESUS CHRIST Dr Pat Holiday visit her @ www.miracleinternet.com live on the radio every Wednesday and Friday at 6:30 pm 805-292-0300 press 1 and listen to us live. Body of Christ needs to learn her books www.blogtalkradio.com/patholiday there you can find sermons and blogs over the years. If you like to baptized let them know.



Past New-Ager and Women who found Christ/Witchcraft is killing people but the Holy Spirit is more powerful.

Christian are no longer normal humans. We of heaven-now. Do not look to science anymore once we are saved in the spirit. We need to discern in the spiritual realm.

Scientists are already communicating with the other side-which is demonic. The processing takes place in other dimension-hell. Fallen angels have a consciousness like us. God made angels with feelings, wills and emotions. Holy angels and demons (fallen angels) can not be redeemed like us humans. Jesus died for the human race, not the angelic realm. Humans need to get saved today in the spirit.


Vaccines of today are not good in the supernatural. You must go to Jesus Christ now and your children. People are dying from witchcraft. I was saved by Jesus by using His name everyday–He at all times knows what everybody is doing here on earth good or bad.


Mariah found Christ Jesus.

Jessica was mislead by her emotions. She is deceived by a psychic–which made her feel love–false love. She did meditation, yoga, occult stuff. She struggled with anger and unhappiness. She went a Christian pastor. She gave Jesus spiritual authority. She thought “why am I not working with the real Jesus?”


She thanked Jesus for keeping His hand on her throughout her life and did not give up on her.
When she started finding out the real Jesus was she starting seeing shadows inside the side of her eyes.