“Heat Glasses Are Very Cool”
Heat glasses are a lot of fun-
they help us block the sun.
Cool shades in many colors
some very unique not like any other.
The shades can hid your identity-
and also help you see small things.
It is fun to dress in style-
specially with cool attire.
Written by Suzae Chevalier on March 10, 2016
“Magical Beads From Krendoll”
Krendoll beads are way cool-
kids don’t want to go to school.
Pour them all around on the ground-
shiny and bright like Krendoll town.
They are the beads that are from a treasure
they also hide swords with good measure.
The beads bring magical powers too-
were knights meet in a rendezvous
Memories of childhood past
photos are here to last.
Written by Suzae Chevalier on March 11, 2016