Published August 11, 2022

GOD LOVES HIS CHILDREN updated on August 11, 2022
God loves His babies and little children dear
He will give them eternal life for they are sincere.
Anyone that aborts a baby has killed an innocent life
They will pay in hell if they do not repent to Jesus
of what was done with a knife.
God’s spiritual law the 10 Commandments written long ago
Genesis 9: 5-6
5 In addition I will demand your blood for your life. I will demand it from any animal or any person. I will demand the life of any person who kills another person. 6 Whoever sheds human blood, for humans his blood will be shed, because in the image of God, God made humans.
and we should teach our children you reap what you sow.
You think God Almighty doesn’t know?
If you kill an innocent life because you think that man’s law or it rules—
You will have to pay in eternity out of ignorance or because you were a fool.
Please listen to what I do say—
This is not about having your own way-or Roe versus Wade
This is a supernatural law that applies to every soul
who aborts a baby and thinks it is OK.
God’s Divine spiritual laws apply no matter
what humans say, for if you don’t get right with God
before you die, you will have to pay for this sin
for eternity forever and a day.
Written by Suzae Chevalier on May 4, 2019, updated August 11, 2022