Written by SUZAE on February 16, 2021
GOD made all souls. The Strength of Israel is in control. As in 1 Samuel 15:29 (fifteen: twenty:nine) GOD is not a man to lie. GOD told prophet Samuel to tell Saul the king, judgement was set GOD will not relent. GOD’s Spirit left Saul for he did not obey GOD’s voice at all-as in 1 Samuel 15:23 (fifteen:twenty three) when you read.King Saul did not obey the voice of the LORD and one day Saul would die of the sword.
You can not make a bet -a bet with GOD. GOD regretted making Saul king (1 Samuel 15:35 (thirty:thirty five). GOD is the same today GOD does not change a thing. Unlike a man who doesn’t understand-GOD’s spiritual laws.