Published August 3, 2021 | By Suzae Chevalier |
#MeganFox #JimmyKimmel #Hell
Megan Fox did not go to the actual hell which is God’s wrath. The drug she took makes fallen angels (demons) give you a mind trip like other New Agers (I used to be one). Drugs are one of Satan’s strategies to bring you on a supernatural experience but little do you know that demons are the ones bringing your mind into that experience. Satan has convinced mankind he doesn’t exist and either does hell. This is a real place (in the middle of the earth in the supernatural) where people are being tormented for eternity right now. Shamans all over the world are using drugs, soul journeying (which is just your familiar spirit leading you in your mind into a vision) sweat lodges, etc. to have a supernatural experience with the devil not knowing. The Bible says in Matthew 7:13-14 “Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. 14 But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.
Most people are on the highway to hell. Watch this video and click on the links below for Heaven fliers in English, Spanish, French and Albanian to read the prayer out loud and mean it in your heart (you are more in the supernatural).
ENGLISH HEAVEN FLYER (Download to your phone-your next life is eternity!
Spanish Heaven flyer with prayer to heaven-your next life is eternity!
French HEaven flyer with prayer to heaven–your next life is eternity!
Albanian Heaven flyer-your next life is for eternity!
Haitian Creole-Copy and Paste link below in your browser
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What GOD Did During the First SABBATH – Preview 3 | SFP Films
Holy Spirit Does Not Lie
Published May 7, 2019 | By Suzae Chevalier
You have to get the Holy Spirit before you die
if you don’t you won’t make it to heaven and
that is no lie.
The Holy Spirit is God’s Spirit that brings life.
If you don’t go to Jesus Christ
and ask for forgiveness of sins–
You will have a life in eternity that is very dark and grim.
See Jesus was the final sacrifice for every human being alive
But false religions make it hard to know the truth
from a lie.
Seek God and have a personal relationship
not rituals that are from man–
God wants you to read His Holy Bible to understand
that Jesus His Son are one in the same
If you do not find out the True God–you will be to blame.
For God is sending people and calling you in the dark–
if you don’t seek Him your future will be a lark.
Written by Suzae Chevalier on May 7, 2019