Oprah’s New Age ‘Christianity’ Exposed: Dangerous Heresy
Before you pray this prayer confess your sins to JESUS for the mighty warrior and messenger angels know if you are sealed. The prayer is translated in different languages in the Heaven flyers below. Pray for Oprah’s soul. “In the name of Jesus I bind you Satan as in Matthew 18:18 “Assuredly I say to you whatever you bind on earth is bound in heaven and whatever you loose on earth is loosed in heaven. I loose highly anointed holy warrior angels headed by Prince Michael with their swords dipped in the blood of JESUS to break the spiritual veils over Oprah’s spiritual eyes and ears. Break the spiritual banners, scrolls, standards, seals, tables, flags and assignments against her soul that are over her head. Satan you can not have Oprah’s soul, she will go on her own free will to hear JESUS when He calls her. Thank you JESUS for dying for Oprah.” I suggest if you are a believer that you go on fasts were you do not eat and drink to build your spirit man so more of the highly anointed holy warrior angels under command of Prince Michael and under Prince Gabriel to fight for you, your family, and friends in the supernatural. Your spirit never sleeps and I prayed for both of my aunts who had alzhemeirs are now saved in the spirit and are with JESUS in heaven with my mom. All relgion is a cult I was told by the Holy Spirit. We did not create our souls and spirits. We are a spirit with a soul in a body. Most religions say we do not have a spirit only a soul and a body. JESUS is the keeper of our souls. The reapers at the end of the age are the holy angels that will take the saved Christians up to heaven. You have to have the Holy Spirit in your spirit to get to heaven. Christianity is not a religion. It is the new Covenant of Grace. Jesus did come to start Christianity. The system of faith and worship ushered in by JESUS who is the final sacrifice for our sins. God is holy and can not stand sin. We need to die to our sins while alive by confessing them. We have a yoke of sin that needs to broken in the supernatural by the highly anointed holy angels once we confess outloud our sins. See repentance prayer below in the Heaven flyer in English, Spanish, French an Albanian.