Written on January 2, 2021
“How much is your soul worth you may ask?”
”I will tell you, it is priceless.”
Your soul is made for eternity
but many sell their soul in a day-
for money and fleeting fame-
some people are gone in less then six decades.
They could not enjoy their money while life passed by-
Theirs and your life is a blink of an eye.
Their earth life is the billionaire’s Heaven for many billionaires are in hell–
down in the pit-
Every time someone hears their hit—
they’re tormented just like that.
This life goes by sooo fast—-
only the the next life lasts
and lasts.
It’s either Heaven or hell–
For all spirits are dead without the Holy Spirit.
Eternal life in the spirit or eternal death of the soul—
So thank Jesus for dying for you to give you a way of escape-
or you won’t eat another grape.
See no amount of money can save you from the grave.
Written by Suzae Chevalier on January 2, 2021