In 2 Chronicle 7:14 is more about a pathway to embrace better realities for our land, society, families. It’s a path to God. God begins to do miracles in our society. The things that the LORD loves is humility. The humbling of ourselves. We need to possess the meekness of Christ. However humble we think we are, God wants to be more humble than we planned, that’s work of grace. The only way we change is by grace, the grace of God.
God only gives grace to the humble, not the proud.
God is looking to raise up sons and daughters. He wants are land restored and renewed. He wants to heal us, families, land and cities. The Holy Spirit only wants two things and that is to see Jesus glorified and Christians doing the will of the Father. Jesus refers the Father they are the same. Be a person who lives in the realm of prayer. You are a sons and daughters of the Most High. When we seek the face of God, in the crucible of dying to self, its not us living, but the Christ that lives in us. That life that comes before God, we become yoke fellows of God. I have come to do that will of the God. Spirit filled people to see God glorified and Christ Jesus. We don’t care who gets credit on earth only to see God glorified.
2 Chronicles 7:14 (NIV)
14 if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.