“Sarah’s Special Birthday” Sunday School performance 2010 Psychedelic colors of Krendoll dreams! Coloring in cartoon characters Girl coloring intently Having with beads while coloring Will boy eat fake Krendoll cake? Helping pick up beads. Krendoll island beads galore Placing beads on. Boy audience member has Krendoll island beads on while Princess decides what dress to wear. Krendoll island princess walking in barefoot. Think pink dress and boa were chosen first. Child looks down at other child who wants more beads. The pterodactyl fits Krendoll princesses hand. Author Suzae poses with “Sarah’s Special Birthday” Audience members listen intently to “Sarah’s Special Birthday” reading by Suzae Chevalier The boy and the bat puppet. Beginning of “Sarah’s Special Birthday” reading “There once was a girl named Sarah who had a Special toy, her toy was a doll named Melodie who brought her lots of joy.” Children listening to “Sarah’s Special Birthday” Krendoll princess is straightening her gloves. One child is in his zone while rest listen on. “What gifts are inside present for princess?” Turning the page. Children listening to Melodie Mezoree’ doll with Suzae Getting ready to go “Eek, Eek, Eek…!” “Where is my pterodactyl puppet?” Princesses holding butterfly and pterodactyl. “Eek, Eek!” “Eek, Eek, Eek” goes the Krendoll pterodactyl…! “Sarah woke up with Melodie in her hand, and Sarah noticed a birthday card with a golden strand.” Princess admiring her satin gloves. “Sarah Star receives her magical crown and birthday gown” “I love my Krendoll gloves!” “I have the Suzarian Star wand!” Princess reaches to make Krendoll cake glow! Anxiously waiting to become Krendoll princess…! Lights out! Watch Krendoll cake glow! Lights out! Camera! Action…! “Make a wish and then count to three, then your birthday cake will blow out just you wait and see!” “Sarah, close your eyes, make a wish and then count to three, then your candle will blow out just you wait and see!” Krendoll princess looking at Krendoll gem Krendoll princess smiling before the Krendoll cake “Wow! My birthday wish did come true!” “Wow, I’m a Krendoll princess now!” I received the Suzarian star wand! Adjusting Fairy wings…! Princess crowning boy while other looks on. Lighting the Krendoll cake Published by Suzae Born in Elizabeth, New Jersey in 1966. View all posts by Suzae