GOD’S VICTORIUS DAY Repent of your sins for your sin debt Jesus did pay. He paid it on the cross that Victorious day! Every being in the universe, from human celestial angel and demon looked on- This was God’s greatest day his day on the cross! Jesus overcame death for he took the keys out of hell. He is our Salvation from which we fell. We fell in the flesh when we did sin We now have a redeemed spirit and life with Jesus within. No more human nature, but nature of the divine We are God’s children once we repent, make Jesus our Savior We will have everlasting life. Written by Suzae Chevalier on March 28, 2018 updated on March 30, 2018 www.suzaechevalier.com

Quotes About Jesus and God’s Kingdom

“Don’t Put Idols Above God”
“Your opportunity for forgiveness and to live with a clean consciousness is while your on earth.”
“You are to love God above man.”


Aunt Audrey


Aunt Audrey who is was always sweet