John Eckhardt-No Justice, No Peace, Psalm 72 link below:

God is reaching for you! The Father is speaking to His creation. He sees and smells our sin which is reaching up to heaven. He is asking that we humble ourselves and repent now. God is the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Churches have not preached about the Father in the Old Testament. He is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow. His spiritual laws do not change.

Deuteronomy 30:15-20(NIV)

15 See, I set before you today life and prosperity, death and destruction. 16 For I command you today to love the Lord your God, to walk in obedience to him, and to keep his commands, decrees and laws; then you will live and increase, and the Lord your God will bless you in the land you are entering to possess.

We are judged by His spiritual laws. We are more in the supernatural than the physical. Our soul is our emotions, thoughts, heart and will. We have a spirit. We need the Holy Spirit in our spirit to get to heaven.

We need to obey God and His Word to have eternal life. Your next life which is in the spiritual realm is for eternity. There is no time in the spirit realm. Choose now where you want to spend eternity. In the land of the living – heaven or the land of the dead-hell. No free will after you die to make that choice to go to Jesus to ask for forgiveness of your sins.

God is saying ” Seek me while I can be found.”


6Seek the LORD while He may be found; call on Him while He is near. . My hand is stronger, My hand is mightier, I AM bigger than the riots, I AM bigger than COVID-19. I died on the cross for the curse of COVID-19. Put your trust in ME and you will be healed and delivered from your sorrows.

JESUS died for every color of person, every nation, for every sinner on ONE CROSS. Everything that Jesus that died for on the cross is done. We need to take our authority in Jesus Christ once we first confess our sins to Him to become a child of God.

“When I Sent My Son and I hung on the Cross–I was reaching for you! I AM BIGGER THAN the riots, in the COVID_19–I AM reaching for you! Take My hand today!”

I’M NOT A MEAN GOD. I care, that is why I made a way.

What you need to do you is grab ME,pray in your own way and GOD will show the rest.

“I will give you authority, peace, I’ll give you power, I’ll give you dominion. You just have to grab on to MY Hand! I’m reaching for you!” THE PROPHETS, PROPHETESS WARNINGS AND WORD FROM GOD. WHAT WOULD IT HURT FOR YOU TO SEEK GOD?

EVERYTIME A MAN AND WOMAN OF GOD POURS OUT THE WORD OF GOD–everytime a prophetic warning and word has went out it gets closer to Jesus coming back. I AM about to pour out one more time–we are out the final outpour of GOD–we are about to see the GREATEST REVIVAL.




“Father we come to You today as a nation to confess that we have not kept Your Word and obeyed Your spirital laws of Your holy Bible. We come with humble and broken hearts to praise and honor Your holy name. We thank You for our very lives. I beseech You to hear our prayers now in Your inner courts at Your holy throne in the 3rd heaven as we bring our gifts to place on Your holy altar for forgiveness of our sins toward our enemies. We send blessings to our enemies now and break all ungodly soul ties in the mighty name of Jesus. We also come before You today as a nation in the name of Your Son Jesus Christ to humbly confess our sins for killing and sacrificing unborn babies in our nation-the United States of America by way of : abortions, morning after pill, IUD’s. Also please forgive us of all witchcraft rituals, satanic rituals, vows, covenants we and our ancestors made through these rituals above that sacrificed these babies to the god of the air and his kingdom of darkness. In the name of Jesus I decree and declare that all assignments of the COVID-19‘s principality and its demons are nullifyed, eraticated and void in the supernatural realm over our nation the United States of America. I take authority that I have in Christ Jesus and I loose as in Matthew 18:18 (18 “Truly I tell you, whatever you bind on earth will be[a] bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be[b] loosed in heaven.) thousands of legions of warrior angels from the 3rd heaven with their swords dipped into the blood of JESUS to destroy, overturn, dismantle and burn all banners, scrolls, cups, crowns, helmets, swords, assignments, tables, altars of the COVID-19 demons and it’s principalities in the regions of South Florida, the government of the USA and all her cities, states, and regions. I send angels of God (as in Hebrew 1:14 14 Are not all angels ministering spirits sent to serve those who will inherit salvation?to send mass confusion to the COVID-19 demons while breaking all their communication throuth their laylines in the 2nd and 1st heaven and that Your Holy Spirit fire protects our nation the United States of America as You say in Your Word Zecharia 2:5 (5And I will be to her a wall of fire all around, declares the Lord, and I will be the glory in her midst.’”). We decree and declare that every weapon formed against us is nullified and void. You set us free. Father we thank You oh God, Father You are in control of our lives, we are like Job though You slay us, yet will we trust in You for we know our Redeemer lives. We are anchored in the LORD. We seal this prayer in the name of Jesus and by the power of His blood, the Word and the Spirit now onto Him that is able to do the exeedeningly abundantly above all that we ask or think according to the power in me is greater than the in the mighty name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Amen.”


Prayer of Protection by Dr. Preston Bailey Jr

“Father, I come before you in prayer. I enter into your gates with thanksgiving and enter into your courts with praise. I praise you because you are worthy, holy, righteous, and just. I plead the blood  of Jesus over myself, my dwelling place, my spouse, my children, my car, my bank account and everything under my stewardship. I pray that your heavenly hosts, your angels, would guard this dwelling place round about, both above and below and against every dimensional access point in Jesus’ name. I will say of the Lord that you are my refuge and my fortress, my God, in you will I trust. I thank you that you set a hedge of protection round about me and that no plague will come near my dwelling. I thank you in advance that every curse, hex, spell, incantation, voodoo, sorcery, form of witchcraft, dark art or other form of weaponized demonic activity sent against me would be reversed upon the heads of the senders seven-fold that they would know that Jesus is Lord. Moreover, I pray that every human spirit, fallen angelic spirit, or otherwise malevolent spirit attempting to come against me or my household would be apprehended by your heavenly hosts such that they cannot so much as set foot upon this property. I pray that they would be escorted out to wherever the Lord Jesus sends them, pierced through with many arrows and discomfited by your lightning in the process, that they would know that Jesus is Lord. Furthermore, I cancel and render powerless all attempts at mind-to-mind communication, dream manipulation, and all other forms of psychic and telepathic intrusion in the name of Jesus. I thank you that all of my dreams are inspired by your Holy Spirit. I declare that my sleep will be sweet, uninterrupted, and that upon waking I will be well rested. I also put on the armor of light. I take up the helmet of salvation, the breastplate of righteousness, the belt of truth, I declare that my feet are shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace, and I take up the shield of faith to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one, and the sword of the Spirit which is the Word of God. I pray all of this in the mighty name of Jesus, Amen.”


We should pray every day
pray for our country the U.S.of A.
We need to pray together so God
hears our voice-
We need to confess our sin
we have no choice.
For as a nation we have murdered-
stolen and deceived-
I’m sad to say
we have deeply grieved.
God who knows everything
He does see- –
That’s why the ones
who are called by His name
that have to be the ones
for sure to pray.
For if you are a true Christian
and was saved by grace-
What more are you if
you don’t pray with faith?
For even when I was a pagan
I did pray-
God did hear me-
He saved my life I do say.
God and His commandments
which our country was found on
to this day-
Since that time
on April 30th 1789-
We have walked away from
the divine-The divine and holiness of God who is true

He examines your heart within you.

Written by Suzae Chevalier on March 20, 2019

The Revelation Of Supernatural Dreams!

God says I AM going to take you to the place where I called you to be. God is not going to show you what is going to happen in the middle of your life–(being blacksheep etc.) only the end. You have experience of life that God has mapped out to get you are where you are going in His name.

Published by


Born in Elizabeth, New Jersey in 1966.