God Is In Control of Spirits

Written by Suzae Chevalier on January 30, 2021

As it says in 1 Kings 22:19 (twenty two:nineteen) Micaiah continued, “Therefore hear the word of the LORD: I saw the LORD sitting on His throne, and all the host of heaven standing by Him on His right and on His left.
The lying spirit went into all the false prophets of the day-
and the King of Israel Ahab believed what the false prophets did say.
He went out to battle and he did die–
all for believing a false prophet’s lie.
For God the Most High
is in control of all the spirits–
Even human’s spirits and that is why
the fallen angels that fly in the sky
can go in your soul in a blink of an eye.


Written by Suzae Chevalier on January 26, 2021

In a nightmare I once had
I saw a person who was bad.
He was chasing me but I ducked
bad guy out of luck.
Bad guy made out of metal- gadgets and wireslike a Superhero that never tires.
See Superheroes are really fallen angels
want you to worship them-
just like Santa our Christmas friend.
Horror writer’s nightmares are from hell
-like a vision I had full well.
God let me see a vision-more of a dream
–so I learned “what all souls matter” means.
Know this– when you sleep-
you are interacting with fallen angels who do more than peep-for family covenants they do keep–making you eat-to keep the spiritual covenant of ancestors while you sleep.
All fantasy that is dark doesn’t just happen on a lark.
People’s nightmares make a good horror movie,
this is true.
You have to know spiritually what to do.
You have to have a covenant with God Most High
You can break evil covenants of your ancestors who did die.

English & Spanish Heaven flyers



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Born in Elizabeth, New Jersey in 1966.