Your Soul Is Your House

Written by Suzae on February 1, 2021

Your soul is your house that has nightmares with a mouse. Yes, your nightmares come from hell-fallen angels know your covenants well. They know your soul I think you should know. Thank God you have an angel inside who fights for your soul to keep you as in
Matthew 7:25 (twenty:five) Jesus tells us how to keep alive.
For the scripture does say-the floods came-
but they were not blown away.
For their foundation was built on a rock (Jesus) not sand
Sand is the things of this land.
But in Matthew 7:27 (twenty:seven)
the foolish ones won’t make it to heaven.
For the rain, wind and heat did more than beat
their soul who didn’t want to know.
And great was it’s fall-the soul fell to hell-
but there is still time if you are alive–
to be as in Matthew 7:25 (twenty:five)
Go to Jesus today do repentance prayer
to have your spirit saved–saved from the grave.

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Born in Elizabeth, New Jersey in 1966.